Nov 04, 2009 20:03
This summer, I was looking for something in my purse, and I pull out my passport. A person near me says, "Going on a trip?"
"Then why do you have it in your purse, shouldn't it be kept safe?"
I look a them, trying to figure out which answer will get this person to stop talking to me. "It's the one place that I know where to find it. If I actually put it somewhere to remember, I'd forget about it and not find it when I need it."
Satisfied with the response, they walk away. (Thank goodness)
Really, that's only part of the reason. The other reason is that I don't want there to be a reason why I can't just hop on a flight and go anywhere in the world. I've never tried it before, but I don't want to limit myself either. I want to be able to say, "I'm bored and I have some money to burn. What shall I do?" (Check, see that flights are super cheap) "Hey, let's go to Madrid for a long weekend!" Call credit card company, drive to airport, fly to Madrid.
Now I know I'm way too responsible and yes, chicken, to leave my job without much warning (plus, I hate making sub plans. Too much work. Easier, honestly, to just go to work sick or tired or sick and tired.) but who knows what I'll feel like later.
I hate being limited. It's funny how I like so much to be definite or certain, but I'm willing to keep something on me that will give me the opportunity to be spontaneous if I want to be.
I can't wait around for people to get off their asses and actually do something around here. I know that if I want to have any sort of experiences, good or bad, I have to make them happen. Unfortunately, I'm the only person with initiative in this town--and while, yes, that sucks, it sucks more for those people that I live near. I've climbed the steps of the Eiffel Tower, waded through the strongest current in the world, touched an 800 year old mummy for luck (which it better not take 800 years to kick in), and figured out the London Underground by myself. I know I'm going to have more great opportunities present themselves in my next 27 years--that's why I keep my passport on me at all times, knowing that when one does present itself to me, I'll take it.
reasons why not to live in a small town