Feb 10, 2005 23:17
Why not... I'm bored. I should just go to bed, but where is the fun in that. So today was forever long. No like for real, it consisted of me nodding off (REAL real bad in anthropology). I felt bad about that cause I really do like anthro. I think its super interesting. Well and I also fell asleep during chem lab... face down with the goggles on just cause the guy wouldn't let me just take them off... HURT like crazy when I woke up. Face was creased hardcore. If I was to just...put my head down on this keyboard... I would be OUT. This day has been one of the hardest. Oh and today the most annoying thing... this girl was talking and used the word "like" about 30 times in ONE sentence, I kid you not. I wanted to like, hit the wall with my head. "So like... when like... people like... write like.. arguments, you know like...they like...use like...arguments like..." I was like SHUUUT UUUP!!!! (On the inside) Yeesh drove me up a wall. Augh still makes me cringe. I know I say "like" or "um" a lot but that was so BAD. Nodding off again...
So things have been really stressful, busy, fun, hard, crazy, and great lately. It changes a lot, but for the most part I don't think it could be much better. I am so blessed with everything in my life, especially my friends, and new family (away from home)I have acquired. I guess those two go hand in hand. I feel like I hadn't really experienced true friendship until I'd say... the middle to end of senior year, and especially now. So just some examples of what I am talking about:
- My truck breaks down 3 hours away from Tech and Gretchen right away asks, "do you need me to come get you?"
- If I need to study and need help when its not even a class Val has, she'll try and help me anyway
- A steady group of friends that keep me in line and look out for me
Okay and some of those may sound corney but its not to me. So we had ski retreat two weekends ago. So much fun. Car rides with Kathryn, Val, and Jessica are just way more fun than they should be. Don't fall asleep in cars with Val cause next thing you know, the window is down and you are hearing "Hhheeeyyyy CCOOOOwwW!!!!" And the condoms out the sun roof... man. On the way back... kinda scary. Julie's explorer spun out in front of us and almost hit a fence. I almost threw up. That was so scary because all we could do was watch, and I am just like, Julie, Dana, and Brian are in there... And we had our own car problems but not near to that extent. It was really great how everyone was calling everyone, checking up on eachother, making sure we were all ok... stuff like this makes me absolutely sure that I made the right decision. There are still some things about it thqt I am really not happy with but they are so small, I think, that it really doesn't have that much weight on my overall feelings. For one thing I LOVE my candidate class. Seriously, these kids are so awsome... theres a few that I just haven't gotten around to getting to know but I really hope that will not be the case soon. Shrugs...Candidate adoption was the best. Bret, Kathryn, Brian, and I all made fun of Gretchen, Julie, Sami, Rach, and Val. It was TOPS. I am so glad they laughed cause we embarrased ourselves for them! Ohhh man... and I did the Rach Underwear Dance. Totally only for them...and all the rest of TBS and KKY... haha and so yeah... OH more random stuff... I have been subjected to the funniest new conversations and words (courtesy of Rach):
-"chi chi's" (pretty self-explanatory) Haha
-camel toe
And I have also realized something... in the absence of Rach and Nurse Val... I am totally the "butt" of Sami's jokes. Seriously... and it cracks me up. Oh man... it would maybe bother me if it was anyone else... but its Sami, how could I ever get annoyed!?!? I love that kid. Shes like a mom in a friend's body. Oh but then she's not. I dunno, catch the right momments I suppose. So funny Sami momment of the evening: We are stopped at a red light for like 2 min... all of a sudden she just decides to go?? and looks up in the middle of the intersection and goes, "OMG!! Thats NOOT GGRREEN!!!" Ahahaha... I lvoe how we sat there for 2 min and STILL ran the red! Oh and Kathryn went CRAZY dancing in the back hitting my seat and bopping around... and then this car of guys is LAUGHING AT HER. Hilarious. Wow this is really random... this whole thing is just.... random.
Me: "I think... blue books are cheap... I think I got 4 for a dollar"
Josh: "Are you sure? I thought they were more than that"
Me: "No I am pretty sure I got 4 for a dollar... or 4 of something for a dollar..."
Sami: 4 Fourrrrr QUAARRTERS?!?!?
What a NERD!!!
Kathryn: "Yeaahh Duuude... Manah manah!.... halloo, salude!"
I just made the comp mad by holding the shift key down??? Some kind of message about "sticky shift" or "sticky key"... I don't know. I think I am gonna go, I don't even remember what I've written... It looks long and I need a sleep...