May 31, 2002 02:35
My graduation is on Saturday!! Yay!! Got a PS2 from Willis, which is much appriciated!!! Though I am still playing Chrono Cross on it. XD Got Virtua Fighter 4, which kicks much butt...even though I usually just do button smash rather than combos. lol Got TimeSplitters, which has amazingly good two player. Will be getting Devil May Cry and GTA3 on Saturday. Will also get FFX when it goes down in price seeing as I have two FFs waiting to be played and I have to finish Chrono Cross (can't....beat...Garai!!! GRR!) Anyhow...beginning to question if I should major in English or not. I'm not sure I would be such a good teacher, honestly. I am so impatient... Maybe computers? Who knows. I'm lost once again.
Marin is doing well, though she is trying to chew through her iron cage...which is disturbing.
On a good note, I rearranged my room! Yay! I am still working on cleaning it out, but it is slowly getting there. Though in between cleanings it gets messy. :: sigh ::
Side note: PitaTen is adorable. I love the artwork and must buy some type of something from it. Wallscroll or poster or something. I don't get the name, though. Anyone care to explain??
Can think of nothing more to say. Wish me luck for Saturday!!!