Aug 16, 2006 23:18
We shouldn't fear change like we do.
yet we hold on so hard to the past.
Crushing it between our grimy fingers like a child would with playdough. It's that part of a child we shouldn't be afraid to keep inside of us. The child who enjoys the exploration just for the simple thought of something new. But as we grow up we fear it, the changes, in life, love - Everything. We fear the loss of the past when we should be reveling in what's to come.
Epiphanies can happen everyday.
We just have to see them for what they are.
Every moment we have an opportunity to find a new skill, a new friend, open a new chapter in life.
Right now...someone is feeling an urge to find something more but is afraid to go after it. Every moment we wait is a moment lost. Take it, take the chance. Go for it.
It works just as well in reverse, don't be afraid to walk away. No, life won't wait for you but you never know what's around that corner if you just stand there holding on to some past moment. It's the past for a reason. Just around that corner is the future. Go...go for it.
Don't be afraid to grab that helping hand even if you don't know why or who. Don't be afraid to let yourself change. Life is about evolution, everyday we wake up and are reborn again to see the sun. It's a brand new day, every day.
Everyday you have a choice to sit there and put yourself on repeat like a sad song played over and over on a cd until the cd warps or you can write yourself new music from the heart and learn to keep going. You can always look back but you have to remember...everything in life's rearview mirror is distorted by what we wanted it to be rather than what it actually was. The only way to get anywhere in life is to keep your eyes on the road with an occasional glance back. It's the best way to learn and to make the most of things.
I know this rambles and may not make much sense to some. That's only because they don't know me and they don't understand how to follow my trains of thought which are generally in constant motion.
I thought I knew this particular lesson. Gods know I've said it, thought it, screamed it and taught it often enough. I guess even I need to learn to listen to myself sometimes.
I've learned it's ok to be angry, it's ok to cry, it's ok want more for myself as well as others. I've learned so many things....I think I keep having to relearn them from time to time because sometimes I forget.
He's to a chapter that maybe should have been put to rest a long time ago.
Off to see what's around the corner...
moving along