I admit I played with this til I found the one that made me laugh the most

Aug 15, 2006 12:48

Stalking is illegal. AngelJester confronts hootysinclair.

hootysinclair is stalking AngelJester

hootysinclair’s REAL name :
Tamatha Sandford

hootysinclair’s REAL DOB :
25th October 1986

Height :167 cm
Weight : 47.4 kg

hootysinclair has dreamt about you :
21 times

hootysinclair became interested in you :
26th May 2003

hootysinclair’s latest dream about you

hootysinclair dreamt that both of you died in each others arms in a rather bizarre rollercoaster accident.

This is how hootysinclair describes your relationship behind your back

‘We are just really good friends at the moment. I’d honestly cut off my arm to be with them though’

hootysinclair’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

hootysinclair ‘borrowed’ your beloved collection of Bee-Gees LP’s whilst you were napping on Christmas Day last year.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

hootysinclair had their tongue pierced just to win your approval.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Be mine forever and I’ll promise to never fart whilst you are eating your dinner.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
24 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Look, I need help now. A friend of mine is on top of my roof and they’re threatening to kill themselves unless I accept their marriage proposal. Fuck! I just heard a massive thud! Jesus they’ve done it!"

hootysinclair’s Police File

hootysinclair poses no real threat to society at large, unless of course your name is AngelJester. In that case, you are royally fucked.

Testimonies about hootysinclair

sheniver - Balding slut

‘hootysinclair was always one of us. One of the gang. We never suspected anything. I’m really shocked..’

shadow_heart - The Ear Doctor

‘Are you serious? Fucking hell. I should’ve known. Something tells me that hootysinclair is going to die pretty shortly.’

stimtab5 - Mixes vodka with Whiskey

‘It’s odd, I’ve known some weird fucks in my time and hootysinclair and AngelJester would definitely top that list.’


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