things i love thursday

Oct 30, 2008 15:14

things i <3 thursday...

~finally getting the beautiful crib i wanted! thank you terri <3

~having a grey day filled with clouds.. it rained too :) i love the rain in the fall.. and the orange leaves against the sky...

~halloween.. which is tomorrow! i promise to post some photos of my outfit :)

~having amazing, fun, exciting plans all this weekend with friends!

~dance night coming up on saturday at the little asian restaurant downtown with natalie..

~pure organic vitamin e oil that i just bought.. so wonderful for the skin, which i need because my skin is acting up a bit now that i'm pregnant..

~talking to my baby inside my mind and feeling so happy because of it..

~playing the baby gender myth with my mama and my wedding ring... we couldn't differentiate if it was going in circles or straight lines! my mom said that it felt like my belly was a magnet when she put the ring over it.. she said it kept pulling the ring downwards.. :) maybe my undercover baby wants to be known!

~all these wonderful, beautiful, home-made clothes that i puchased from bravegrrl (on etsy!) i love, love, love her beautiful creativenes.. it inspires me!

~the abundance in my life.. thank you thank you thank you!

~my lover.. he went to lunch with me today, but didn't eat anything.. he only wanted to be there because of me <3

~dinner with my lover and papa tonight.. maybe my sister too. i hope, i miss her lots!

~teaching my mom ballet today which is always so much fun <3

~typing hearts into everything! <3 <3 <3

~photography.. i've made a promise to myself to take more pictures.. of everything.. me, the sky, my lover, my kitties, leaves, things i love..

~my kitties.. they are unbelievably naughy (little mallow always tries to get at my parakeet, strawberry) but i still love them with all my heart.. they are my animal family

~cleaning the house thoroughly and reveling in the niceness of it all..

*by the way, the picture i posted is my little mallow kitty*

things i love thursday

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