Jul 18, 2010 10:33
busy mama, with many joyful things to look forward to! i find that i am growing so much these days <3 and it feels so healing for this slightly damaged/wounded girl that i am..
3 farms on the hawaiian islands want sam and i to work on them! we are thinking maui... and feeling really excited about it all. this is for the highest good for us! so we can learn to live more lovingly with mother earth, and discontinue the dangerous cycle of exploiting nature and her resources. i'm so glad for the change!!! but i will miss my home too... of course and always <3
onyx is beautiful! pink-cheeked, sweet, and more independent then ever! he's almost crawling, and he loves rolling around on the living room floor playing with paper bags, colored markers, and books. he grabs onto everything he can get his hands on! and i am in love, so so in love with him. he's lovely.
life has been really filled with love and growth lately, and i am so happy. so truly happy.. and i am blessed beyond comprehension.
love and blessings to all.
organic farms