the giving tree

Sep 19, 2008 08:19

i forgot to write on my list yesterday.. something i love is generosity and giving. i have had so much of it in my life... to freely give to others for the pure joy and love for them is such a beautiful thing. i think it brings more love onto our planet earth. my loved ones, and even people who i don't know on the outside (but i surely do on the inside), have been so kind and generous to me. i feel so.. blessed, so thankful.. like i want to find ways to give to others, to show the kindness and love that has been shown to me. it is too beautiful to be kept for myself..

today i do not work. it is a blessing.. i love to work and housekeep, i feel so glad and appreciative of the work that i have. but to have the day free is lovely too. i want to flow with life and whatever happens.. and today the angels that be said i will have a free day. :) yay! i am going to go to the gym.. i love to exercise and feel strong! it brings me such happiness to take care of my body and know that i'm doing the best i can to show it that i honor and appreciate it. i'm also going to go book shopping again.. i am such a lover for books! there are some other errands i must run too... i feel like such a happy girl today! i want to hold onto this feeling, and let this feeling be within me no matter what happens on the outside.

giving free love. how silly.. i was writing in the tags for this post, and i wrote: giving, free, love as the descriptive words. i read them together and they say something beautiful and true. giving free love.. that is unconditional love. that no matter what someone does, you love them for their soul.. because what they do on the outside, is not who they are on the inside. i know it may be hard to see that when someone does something perceived as horrible and cruel.. but it is so true. i'm going to give free love!

love, giving, free

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