2014, We're Supposed to be Friends...

Jan 02, 2014 18:32

There is a bonus Bomer because I even bummed myself out with this one :-/

So I got up early this morning so that I could start work a little early and get a couple of things accomplished before other people showed up in the office. I tried to log in to the office server and it didn't work. No worries - this happens from time to time. I checked my internet connection - it was good. I tried to log in again. Again, no luck. I tried to ping the IP address of the server in question. No dice. This was my nightmare coming true about working from home.

It was 5:45am PT, and I had to call my boss and tell her that I couldn't log in. This has only happened once or twice in the 18 months or so that I've been working remotely but never on a morning where I was the opener. Of course, the first thing she says is to call our off-site IT/server people. I would have, if I had thought to email that contact information to my personal email instead of leaving it on the work computer that I cannot access at all.

It's now 3:25pm PT, and I'm still not able to log in. I've fielded a few calls from our customer service department, but it's frustrating as hell to know that there's a ton of stuff that needs to be done (it's the first of the month, the first of the year, and I have a crapload of new PO/job numbers to enter as well as do monthly analysis for some clients).

Had I known this wasn't a simple fix and that I wouldn't be working at all (so far) today, then I would have spent the time working on fandom_stocking fics. I was terrified I would get in a groove and be forced to stop when the server started working again. Sigh. Now I'm annoyed and upset and probably won't get any writing done tonight, which puts me even further behind. Blah.

Here's a bonus Bomer (in glasses!) for your time :)

real life, work

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