elrhiarhodan got this one started today, and I love to play this meme so much. Ask me about any fic in any fandom that I've written, and I will happily divulge details.
Here's how it works:
Pick a passage from my stories, up to 500 words, from anything I've written in
my LJ masterlist and
on AO3 (my AO3 masterlist has my Teen Wolf fic in addition to all
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Unbreakable started as an anonymous response to a prompt at collarkink. It was the first time I'd ever done that, and I found it both freeing to write something anonymously and sad that I wasn't sharing it openly with people that I thought would like it. I planned the first four chapters around those Skinny Love lyrics - I was obsessed with the song at that time - and that was meant to be the end of it. But then, like most of my 'verses, I just couldn't stop writing it.
The 'verse is in a format that's very strange to me, and I don't usually enjoy even reading non-linear stories, but it's actually quite fun to explore as a writer. It is very easy to write yourself into a corner with timelines though. There are discrepancies, but I tried to work them out as best I could to tell the story that I wanted to tell. This is most obvious in the Neal/Sara relationship, but that is one of my favorite relationships in this whole fic series.
Back to this passage, I love Neal and Diana as friends, which I think is what drew me to the prompt in the first place. I find her hard to write sometimes, but it's worth it when stories like Unbreakable come together and feel right. I'm an instinctual writer, and when something feels right to me, I get so excited to share it. I wanted her to be protective of Neal, just as he's protective of her, and that shows in this passage. They're comforting each other while making sure the other is okay. It hits me right in the feelings.
Thank you so much for asking!
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