Well.. this is a two-part entry.
I will start with the good, or better said wonderful news.
I am so happy!!!!! Really!!!!
The practical course I have been afraid of all the time is finally over. Tomorrow I will clean up my place and then I am finished ^_______________________________^ YAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 129 points of the available 145 points. That is all thanks to God. I would never have made it alone. I can only say thanks!!!!!
Phew... so that was the wonderful news. And now the not-so-wonderful or rather crappy news. Which is longer, unfortunately.
Recently, I engage myself in a Massal RPG on net, called Maple Story.
Here is the site, if any of you is interested :
http://www.mapleglobal.com/Default.aspxAnyway, in this game we sort like living in dream lands, in which we can work as magician, archer, warrior and even thief!!
I am the archer ^___________^
Our job is more or less the same : killing the monsters. And doing quests. One feature of the character's statistic is something called "fame".
Since the name already implies it, "fame" shows if the character, and with it the person playing it, is nice or not or anything good. The person himself can't fame himself. Only people around him.
And here is the matter.
A guy, with the nickname "Killer?????" said to me that he wanted to trade fame. I didn't want to raise his fame first, really, but he said he was kinda traumatized since yesterday someone cheated on him in this trade fame matter. I thought there was no harm in trusting him since he PROMISED to fame me as well later. And what happened? Right after I famed him he ran away.
I felt like an idiot and I wanted to cry so much. It was like being cheated on in real life.
And as I warned people about this shameless guy, another player laughed at me and he said I was stupid. I was so hurt.
Of course not all people in Maple Story are cruel like that. For example yesterday a guy gave me some very important infos about the game and quests. Another guy played my bodyguard and he helped me fulfilling two quests (100 octopus legs and 100 jr. neckis skin OMG). And yet it doesn't feel good to meet bad people at all. I don't understand why the killer guy had to be so unfair. I did him nothing did I? I should have known that anyone using the name "Killer" can't be a good person. I am just... too stupid.
Or for example another game called The Crims (on net as well). I know that in this game we play criminals who robs and so on, but I never attack any other players. The other players do attack me mercilessly. I don't get it. It is true that attacking other players may help you go forward in the game, but is it really necessary? It is only a game after all.
I think someday people will eventually hunt each other on street only for fun. That is so cruel.
I hate this world with all the human beings (okay, most of the human beings -- 98%).