lean on me

Apr 29, 2005 12:06

and yes so the girls have "confided" in me that they knew what kimball was up to with some chic candy....blah blah blah

what gets me is that not one of you "ladies" has had the loyalty to say something directly to angelique....wtf????? i have heard it from almost all of you as to what "happened".....

anyways, she knows cuz kimball told her directly... however, lets get you girls back on the friends track and remember.....gossip is futile, it is not productive HOWEVER being a friend who is deeply concerned is beneficial for all parties concerend....after all....who is to know that someday someone will tell YOU that your boyfriend has been up to something shady, or that your boyfriend who is supposed to be one place, turns up somewhere else, doing something(someone) else????? it can and usually does happen to you and not just someone else you know!

never cast judgment until you have walked a mile in my shoes.....

if your girlfriend ain't got your back then she aint your friend
even tho u may be fed up with her boyfriend's antics you need to be truthful and loyal to her.... it doesnt matter that you may feel that your friend just wont believe you or may even continue to go out withthe scoundrel, the point is...boyfriends come and go but true friends stay forever....or at least they did back in the day...

sometimes the hurt from gossiping so called girlfriends is much more painful than the cheating boyfriend...trust me on this one kids!

la di fucking dah!!!!!!!
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