Sep 14, 2011 15:57
So I come from a home where supper was usually served between 7 and 9. At Layne's house it was usually between 6 and 7 so it wasn't much of a jump. When I moved here, 'dinner' was served at 5, or slightly thereafter, because that's when Mr. Jim got off of work, and he needed to keep his blood sugar level. It was an adjustment, but I dealt.
Now that Mr. Jim is out of work, we've been having dinner steadily earlier. What do I mean? 4:30, 4 o' clock... At a quarter 'til 4, Rob went to start dinner. At 3:45. Dinner. All he has to do is reheat some stuff and make pasta. And he started it at 3:45.
This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but number 1, this is afternoon snack time, and number 2, Mr. Jim complains about his father and HIS rigid schedule of eating at exactly 4. So... yeah...
It's not actually that it's a big deal even, it's just kind of annoying, because I for see a future where dinner is at noon, if they keep moving it up like this.
And I know someone will point out that by the time the pasta's done, it'll be 4, so it'll be on time, but seriously, I've come down at 3:30 to find dinner on the table. I'm not even kidding.
Would someone please tell me the draw to eating the final meal of the day ASS early in the day? Has lunch even settled yet?