I made a wallpaper from the scandalous AnAn Yamapi photoshoot D; I tried to keep it PG since I don't need my mum thinking I watch porn every time I go to my desktop. XD
-- Comment if taking please! It gives me motivation to continue making them!
-- No reposting!
-- Credit if using icons
-- These are my first wallpapers ever so feel free to crit
-- Ordered from my most favorite to least favorite
-- Fullview is love! Only 2 sizes available, sorry!
1280x1024 |
1024x768 .............................
1280x1024 |
1024x768 1280x1024 |
1024x768 ..............................
1280x1024 |
1024x768 I hope you like them! I'll be posting some icons up tomorrow too. XD