grumble grumble hungry

Aug 15, 2008 17:04

Well ferrets have been insane. Found out there a small hole in the corner unter the cabinet in the kitchen. This making spencer want to get under there. So i put there cage in front of kitchen door frame. But because he is #1 spazz he scales the cage and then falls into the kitchen. And wont stop. So today I went out and bout a piece of wood to slide in front and so far it's working. I close all the other doors and nothing else out here they can really get into.

except behind the tv. And I mean there is nothing they can do bad back there they don't chew wires but they can pull them, and they already turned off Keith's server a few times. XD but i don't think there is much I can do about that.

Keith is falling for them. Even today he was looking at them and saying if you weren't so cute i wouldn't be able to forgive you for smelling. XD.

Went out and got more bedding for them, this cool fishy bed, and some shampoo so i can give them a bath. Might wait till Cylia brings over Arlington again so i can show her how to do it. easy. I also hope she finds a friend for her soon so she doesn't get too depressed.

Other then ferrets, work is work was sick Wednesday so called out, sucked I lost some hours though. This week coming up I asked for Tuesday off being my birthday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Because Scooter is coming down and I want to do something on Saturday for my party. Don't know what's going on I know a few people said they would show up, probably just play games. me and Scooter will drink if he doesn't be a pussy. I want to get Dave and Sam over. he called me this morning but i missed the call due to sleep.

Still not sure what to do for my actual birthday I want to spend it with friends and go out to dinner some where but it feels wrong making them take me out. It's not like they all said oh hey let's take her out. So it's like I'm forcing them to do some thing for my sake. And my mom asked me if I wanted her to make me dinner and a birthday cake. And seeing on how that's probably the only way I'll be getting a birthday cake. Maybe want? I do kinda miss the old way. I don't know. I wish my mom would come here and make it for me here on my birthday. Maybe convince her of that.

So anyways that is all, getting off to play some more with ferrets, and then going out to dinner at my mom's work so she can give me my birthday presents. ^_^ Going with Cylia and Kurt. Cannot wait i literally have no eaten a thing all day.
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