Completely pointless, feel free to skip.

Aug 31, 2006 02:27

Things to do tomorrow (or rather today because it's nearly 3 am)

1) Get lazy ass out of bed earlier then 10 am for a change

2) Consume large amounts of coffee to switch from grumpy, sleepy bitch mode into semi-polite, civilized human being mode

3) Get dressed and drive to shopping mall

4) Buy new laptop, because the outdated, piece of shit computer I use at the moment is no longer tolerable. Just two words: Win98 and a 10gig harddrive

5) While there, buy new harddrive for other computer, because the old one crashed and is broken beyond repair. Also next time immediately do something when any harddrive starts making funny noises, instead of waiting until it's too late and relying on month old back-ups.

6) Also don't forget to investigate into buying an iPod nano. Bah, what has Apple done to me? My iPod mini is kaputt and it's like the world has ended and I'm going to die of iPod deprivation or something.

7) Drive back, set up new laptop

7 a) Don't forget to make a stop at the pharmacy on the way back, because running out of aspirin and anxiety medication is so not funny.

8) Call various places for evening classes and university options

9) Visit best friend and bake yummy chocolate-banana-pudding-cake with her

10) Eat cake and get very, very drunk, get best friend completely shit-faced too

11) Fall into bed and don't forget to set the alarm

Sounds like a lovely day doesn't it? Well, at least my next post will hopefully be from a shiny new laptop.
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