I wish I had a Bjork tribute band.

Feb 15, 2009 20:57

I haven't done a lot this weekend. Okay, that's a lie, I've done things, they're just not things that are productive by most standards.

My one friend has been busy all weekend, which has left me sequestered away in my room. Attempting to play piano. I can play chords. Usually I just let my voice carry the weight of the song and play chords as supplements, but lately I've been dabbling a bit with sheet music. I recently bought the Sara Bareilles "Little Voice" song book and I can eke out the first verse of "Between the Lines". I also was playing with sheet music from Bjorkish and can play the first part of "I've Seen it All". But my biggest accomplishment happened today. I can play the first part of Regina Spektor's "Ode to Divorce", and I'm slowly working on the rest of song -- it's only a matter of time before I can play it all.


I am so beyond pleased about this. It's perhaps not the greatest recording -I'm not in greatest vocal form as I may've nearly blew out my voice after a particularly impassioned chord-centric rendition of Sarah Slean's "California" earlier today. And I kind of nearly forgot which notes went next at one point, but whatever! If that's how good it sounds after only one afternoon, just imagine it in a week or two.

I'm so glad I set out to learn chords first. I'm actually incredibly familiar with the keyboard now, and I don't have to pause and search for particular keys - I just naturally know where they are. Future sheet music attempts should be easier and easier.

Meanwhile, I went in search of covers of songs by artists that I am fond of via youtube. And I came across these incredible kids, and ever since then I can't stop thinking about having my own Bjork cover band.

I have always sort of fantasized about coercing an orchestra and a choir to do a one night tribute to Bjork, I have the most incredible idea for "Unison", including how to utilize the lighting.
But that video of "I Miss You" makes me want to just have an acoustic Bjork cover band. Seriously! How amazing was that?

I even went as far as to put together a tiny playlist of a mini set of Bjork songs to cover with my imaginary band.
Set list is as follows (in order of how they would be performed):
Who Is It
I Miss You
Pagan Poetry
In the Musicals
I've Seen it All

Very short setlist, yes. Doesn't even scratch the surface of the songs I want to attempt. But said Bjork cover band doesn't even exist yet, so I can't imagine we'd be headlining. And I know, two songs from "Dancer in the Dark" nothing from even "Homogenic", but I have such a brilliant idea percussion-wise for "In the Musicals" (think very Stomp), and I can't not do "I've Seen it All" -it's my favourite and I have such an incredible idea for the blocking. You can tell I'm a theatre girl because I'm working out the staging for the songs in my head, and have contemplated extensively on the use of the stage for my orchestral choir tribute rendition of "Unison".
Naturally, like all imaginary cover bands that exist in my head, I have a violinist at my disposal.

Seriously, why are NONE of my friends talented musicians?? Oh right, because I only have one friend... and she's busy half the time.


piano, imaginary bands, music

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