Seriously, what the fuck are people thinking?

Mar 01, 2008 13:18

This post has been long overdue. I've been putting it off until I could write it without being too pissed off to put out my opinion in a civil manner. A recent post and discussion in a journal on my flist has made me realize that fuck all I'm going to be pissed off, it is impossible for me to be tactful about this bullshit.

What the fuck? If you didn't click on the links I'll explain: people are self-publishing their real person boyband slash fanfiction. Real person boyband slashfic. Presented and summarized like original works available to be shipped to the consumer. Included in the disclaimer that the price only covers the cost of printing and shipping. Somebody please explain to me why anyone would think that shit is a good idea. Even if the fanfic writer doesn't see any of the money, that publishing website is unknowingly making money off of fanfic. If the real people mentioned in the fanfic or their record companies sue the publisher, those fan writers are going to be in deep shit. Passing fanwork as original writing to get it printed and sent out is fraud. All caps, bold, and marquee for emphasis:

There, I needed to get that out of my system. I feel better. Also nemesis-cry has this covered far better than I. Read this, seriously if you are someone or know someone doing this read it and convince them to stop the madness.
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