Nov 10, 2006 06:30
"How bad could it be?"
I regret saying those five words yesterday during my second pain management appointment. Since the neurotin seems to be helping more than any of the pain medicines I've been on since my most recent surgery, that the problem is also with my nerves. Another problem was discovered during yesterday's treatment. See, I had steroid injections into the scarred area of my foot, since it was the source of the nerve pain. The nurse offered to give me a shot of sedative in my arm before, because the shots would hurt. But since I had steroid injections in the joint (before it was removed) without too much trouble, and the nurse and doctor both told me the sedative was optional. I thought, "Yay, I don't have to spend the rest of the day groggy unless I want to." I didn't want to. Ugh. Damn it.
Since the scar area is pretty damn big, and a bit on the deep side, the doctor choose to inject in two separate spots. The first round would just be local anesthetic, the second would be the steroid...four shots total. Ow. The first shot just stung and felt like other injections of local I've had before, the second shot HURT like a sonofabitch. I'll admit it, I cried. Then I had to wait 15 minutes for the local to kick in, thinking that since the area was numbed up the last two shots shouldn't be too bad. Wrong again. -_- Shot number three, hurt, but wasn't as bad as number two. Shot number four...was...Okay, it was in the same spot that the ohmygodthathurt shot took place, and ohmygodWHYDOESITSTILLHURT was pretty close to my pathetic whimperings in pain during the last shot. If it hurt that much with local anesthetic...*whimper*
While I sat there trying to piece together some resemblence of dignity, the doctor explained to me why two of those shots hurt so much. The scar tissue was a lot deeper than originally thought and in the area the injections hurt the most, the scarring was so deep that it was attached to the BONE. Jesus.
I want a new foot. The one I have, just sucks. >.