I finally finished my little tiny mini-hats for
The Big Knit! My original target was ten mini-hats. I made twenty five. I guess I should feel proud of that?
I've also finished putting details of all my DVDs on
dvd-subtitles.com. More than two thirds of my DVDs hadn't had the presence (or not) of subtitles confirmed! It kind of makes me wish I had more DVDs so I could add more to the database, but I'm refusing to buy DVDs that don't have English subtitles available anymore, because DVDs without English subtitles are pretty much useless to me.
Other than that, I'm okay I guess. I guess, because knitting is still eating my life, due to me making the unfortunate decision to make a scarf. I'm not clever, okay?
*knits more*
This is the yarn I'm using right now (the green one). Pretty, y/n?
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