And the winner is...
[Original entry text kept for context - starts here]
I'm giving away my copy of
Fire. I tried watching it again today and, while I can see why people think it's a masterpiece, it was almost impossible for me to understand due to lack of subtitles (oh, the joys of having hearing problems!).
I can't return it (because I left it too late), and I don't want to sell it online (because I'm unreliable as all hell) or offline (because I'll get so little for it that it's not worth doing).
Is anyone interested? It's a region 2 disk, and DOES NOT HAVE SUBTITLES AVAILABLE (it does, however, have English captions during the few short times where the characters speak Hindi). Free to the first person who lays claim to it.
You can find out anything else you need to know about the film
at its IMDB profile.
PS: If you're not interested yourself, feel free to tell other people who might be interested.
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