Most of Tuesday was spent (re)playing Final Fantasy XII, and trying to work out where my new-found cold had come from.
Most of Wednesday was spent reading TV Tropes while trying to do other things. Of course, when I went to bed, I didn't have anything else to do, so I read TV Tropes solidly from 9pm to 6am. I only got through the list of gaming tropes.
Yesterday, after two hours sleep, I went back to Final Fantasy XII, but left my phone upstairs so I wouldn't end up reading TV Tropes again. I also watched some stuff, and made food to put in the freezer. By the time I actually got online, I was so tired I couldn't type and was beyond making sense anyway.
A full night's sleep later, I both feel like hell and don't make much sense. And I have to go to volunteering today, which is going to be funny as all hell, because the cold has blocked my ears up and I can hear even less than usual. And all I wanna do is sleeeeeeeeeeep, but I need to go in the bath before volunteering, and sleeping in the bath is a bad idea (don't do it kids!), so I guess I'll have to caffeine my way through the day, which will be fun because I don't react normally to caffeine, as anyone who has ever seen me on caffeine will be able to tell you, and me being tired while on caffeine (which, at this point, doesn't even look like a word anymore) is probably enough to get me arrested, considering how hyper I get when I'm forcing myself to be awake when I'm tired, and this is getting to be a long sentence, so I'll put a full stop here.
So yes, that's why I've not been around lately.
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