Just for fun, here's a small list (with pictures!) of things that make me happy.
#1: Candles
(I found a chocolate chip cookie scented candle in a shop once - that's how awesome candles can be.)
#2: Rainbows
(They're really pretty and colourful.)
#3: Well written characters
(Strong women! Queer characters/characters of colour who aren't 2D! Men without epic manpain! Friendships between men and women that are actually platonic! All that is in this picture, trufax.)
#4: Balloons
(You can throw them, hit people with them, or just draw a face on one and call it Steve.)
#5: Bubbles
(If you've never blown bubbles from a second floor window, a bridge, or other place where people are moving below you, I highly recommend it. I did it on the second floor of a shopping centre, and it was ace.)
#6: Bubble wrap
(Pop! Poppoppop! POP!)
#7: Making things look like other things
(It's like dress up, but better.)
#8: Lego, and the weird things people do with it
(I would have been happy to make a house when I was a kid, and that's what my set was designed for. I'd never manage this. Ever.)
#9: Superdictionary definitions
(Why not just buy them Lex? You have the money! And that's terrible.)
#10: You! ♥
people made me happy by
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