CELEBRATING 2ND ANNIVERSARY OF HEY!SAY!JUMP gomen, I'm too lazy to post it in English
Okay. Jadi, saya bla bla bla sampai di rumah Nia jam 10-an. Nonton Hyakushiki bareng Nia dan Okky. Trus akhirnya kita jalan ke PS jam setengah 11-an. Fufufu~ Sampai disana, aku SMS Nae, katanya dia masih di Blok M (naek busway). Trus SMS Chibi, katanya dia masih di rumah??!! Jyahahahahaha. Agak shock mengetahui kenyataannya. Ahahahahaa.
Then, aku, Nia, dan Okky duduk di salah satu spot di food court. Nungguin SMS yang mau dateng. Trus Nia bilang biar ngerjain Nae. Jadi kalo Nae dateng, aku disuruh pura-pura tidur, nah Nae kan blon kenal Okky, trus tar kalo Nae nemuin Nia, dia mau bilang ke Nae gini: “He? Siapa ya? Nia? Saya Maria. Maria Ozawa.” Jyahahahahaha. Tapi sampe si Nae nyampe food-court, Nia ga manggil Nae padahal kita udah liat dia. Kita malah diemin dia. Ahahahaha. Akhirnya, aku ga tega aku panggil ajah. Hehehehe.
Sip! Nae udah dateng. Sambil nunggu Kaoru dateng, kita nge-bully Nia. Ngata2in Jin (Akanishi), menyusun silsilah keluarga featuring Nakaken, Yuma, Fuma, Kento, Yama, Yuya, dan sekilas muncul nama Yugo dan Hoku. *LOL*
DZIIINNG~ Dua orang berjilbab hitam muncul dan dia adalah… Kaoru & Feti. Ihihihih. Mereka gabung ama kitah. Ngerumpi dan masih nyusun silsilah keluarga yang jadi makin rumit karena kemunculan nama Daiki dan Pi. Ahahahahaha. Yang bikin aku takjub, Kaoru dan Feti logat melayunya kental bangeeet!! Yeah, they’re Malaysian. Hihihihihi. Oya Yuki sempet nelfon, tapi karena bingung mau ngomong apah, ya ga lama2. Lagian juga kan pulsanya sayang yea. Hehehehe.
Agak lama setelah itu, Chacha dateng. Diam-diam tapi pasti. Bener deh, Chacha diem banget. Ihihihihi. Si empunya Inoo bilang kalo si Chibi udah sampe. Dan beberapa detik setelah itu Chibi SMS aku nanya aku dimana. Aku bilang aku di depan Hotplet. Si Chibi muncul dan si mami senang karena anaknya datang. Ahahahaha.
LENGKAP! Yoooii~ Kita kembali ngegosipin HSJ (feat. Jin yang di-bully-bully) Ahahahaha. Yang rame sih Nae lho *suwerr* She’s really our mood maker. Ada aja yang dibahas. Ahahahaha. Kalo aku pikir2 ini mah jadi ATB HSJ forum feat. Jrs on it. Ahahahaha. Yeaaa, maklum lah. Suaminya si mami pan kebanyakan anak2 Jrs (wong Misaki, Nakaken, dan Fuma diambil semoah) *ROFL*
LUNCH TIME~~ Pas makan, meja kita tenang, damai, aman, tenteram. Ahahahaha. Abis makan kita foto2. Yeaaahh~ Ahahahaha. Ada dua kamera. Pake kamera aku dan Nia. (foto2nya dibawah yaa. Gomen kalo masih belon lengkap. Masih ada yg di Nia soalnya) Hehehehe. Dan… CHACHA MENGELUARKAN UCHIWA INOO-NYAA~ Ihihihi. Acik deh ada HSJ nongol di HSW ATB. Ihihihi.
Selesai foto2nya kita ke Kinokuniya. (Yang aku tahu) Nia beli Potato (kalo gasalah) nyang YUBIS jadi cover (entah bulan berapa) dan Nae-nee jadi melas banget. Mohon2 supaya si Nia mau nge-scan-in YUBIS-nyah. Ampe manggil Nia pake [I]Nia-sama[/I] segala, [I]nempel-nempel[/I] ke Nia, wih pokoknya niat banget deh supaya di scan-in ama Nia. Ihihihi. Setelah si Nia bayar, Nae, Chibi, ama Chacha langsung bareng2 buka tu majalah. Mengomentari isi majalah itu satu per satu dan sambil berdiri! Ahahaha.
Trus trus, kita misah ama Kaoru di Kino karena dia bilang dia bakal agak lama disituh karena Feti jg bakal lama cari2 buku (bye-bye, Kaoru & Feti). Jadilah aku, Nia, Okky, Nae, Chacha, dan Chibi bersama-sama berjalan menuju bioskop. Nae ngajakin nonton krn kebetulan dia sama temen-temennya mau nonton. Hihihi. Tapi ditengah jalan Chacha ijin pulang duluan (bye-bye, Chacha). Sudah gituh, liat-liat film. Kalo ada film yang bagus, aku, Nia, Okky, dan Chibi mau-mau aja nonton. Tapi si Nae memutuskan untuk nonton Horseman, gajadi deh. Syereeeemm~ Nae, aku, Nia dan Okky siap-siap ke Sency buat nganterin Nae ketemu ama temen-temennya dan nonton. Oke, si Chibi pun akhirnya ikutan ijin pulang dan kita misah di food court (bye-bye, Chibi).
Aku, Nae, Nia, dan Okky mencari jalan ke Sency. Terus, atas saran mbak-mbak yang jualan perhiasan, kita tinggal nyebrang jalan ke Sency. Sip dah. Pas nyebrang jalan Nia ketakutan gituh, untung ada si Mamih. Ahahaha. Sampe di Sency, kita ke XXI buat nganter Nae sampe ke temen-temennya. Sippo~ Nae ketemu sama Risma dan Ayu. Akhirnya kita pun misah di XXI sama Nae (bye-bye, Nae). Lalu aku, Nia, sama Okky ke BEST (electronic station). Keluar dari BEST, eh ketemu Nae lageh. Ahahahaha. Tapi abis itu misah lagi dan permohonan terakhir Nae untuk Nia: Jangan lupa scan-in YUBIS-nya ya, Nia-sama~ Hihihihi.
Report ini bakal di-edit (ditambahin) kalo ada yang ketinggalan. Hehehe ;D
---photos---will be added soon---
Okky and Nia (
qyqy and
baka_miroku): Today was really fun, ne? I hope we can spend a day like this again and don't forget... wear our hi-heels. Ahahaha.
Tasia (
conga10fury): It was very surprising to meet you in Kino. Ahahahaha. How's your shopping day? What did you buy? Tell me tell mee~
Nae-nee (
turtlepark): How was the movie? It was fun to meet you, Nee-chan. The first thing I do after I was home --> seeing Aiba's vid when he was in Yogya. Ihihi. Funny, isn't it?
Satsuw (
satsukisora): Your HSJ Anniv. banner is saikouu!!! And... Do you still remember our promise? It's just popped up in my mind right now. *LOL*
Chibi Angel (
smiling_kiddo): Yoooy! Your Nee-chan is so happy to meet you today. You're so tall, like Yuto. Seriously. I think, you're height is the same as Yama-chan's. I'm pretty sure about it. (Yeah, since he's not as tall as those boys in his age. Upss... Gomenasaaai~)
Hikki (
x_hikki_x): Kyaaa~ Where are youuuu?? I miss you so bad, dear. Please comment here if you have time.
Shi (
shiyiu): Yoshaaa, I'm going to post a birthday post for you. Happy birthday, dear. Hihihihi.
Ploy (
skyruri_me): Ploy-darl, how's your day? You're rarely online in LJ ne? I wonder how's our comm's banner. Ihihihi. But don't force yourself. Just take your time ;)
Jen (
chibilover14): You're missing from my sight, Jen. Where are you? Are you busy with your school stuffs? I'm waiting for your rant. Hihihi. as always
Kaoru-nee (
kaoru_yubiwa): YOU'RE CHOOO KAWAIII~ And, I admire your dialect. So Malaysian. Ihihihi.
Vangie-bby (
ryokimayuu): Actually I have many requests for you, dear. But I think you're still busy with your stuffs. So, I was so happy when I saw you translate Yuyan's article from... Ah, I forgot the magazine. But, you translated Yuyan's article! It makes me happy! Thank you so much XD
Yuki (
blueluph): I felt really really sorry not to make you come to our ATB. Hiksuuu~ Hope you enjoy your day, dear :)
An-chan (
kat_tunatic): YOY, AN-CHAN!! How's your day? Gomen, I rarely comment to your post, but I do read it everyday. And I really love to read your entries. Hihihi. Hope we can talk more often, ne?
Sara (
karmoisin): Uwah, I felt so sorry cos I rarely read your entry. Gomenasaaaaai~ But the truth is that I forget to track your LJ. GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN. Right after I post this entry, I'll track your LJ. ^^v
Claumae (
Ella (
natsucchi): I've seen your Hiroki Uchi and... He's not belong to any Jr group, right? I'm pretty impressed with his willing to be success. Not giving up, still trying in Johnny's, even he should be in Jr again. He's kakkoi too naaaa~
Mira (
mira_ryutamori): Kyaaang~ Where are you darling? You're not even shown up in our forum. Hihihihi. Oya, Nae-nee recommended me to read your fanfic, SMS. I'm going to laugh after thiss.
Fati (
portgas_182): How's your day in Indonesia? You're in Bandung right now, right? Where were you go? Later, you SHOULD share about your days here. Ahahahaha I'm kidding. I'm not forcing you. ;P
Raras (
rarsii23): I read from you blog that you got 100 for your Biology quiz. Omedetooou *throws confetti* You're so smart. Me and my friends used to admire your intelligence. In Indonesia, you must be on the science class. Ihihihi.
Chika (
pyon_chan_desu): I've just realized that you're a soccer mania. Hahaha. Your dad bought you a soccer match ticket for your birthday gift, right? How was it? Who's your favorite player? Me, my dad and brothers are quite like soccer too. Hihihi.
Chika (
aoranger): CHIKA, YOU SHOULD COME TO HSW'S NEXT ATB!!! Hahahaha. Oya, if I'm not mistaken, you love to take a photo right? Why don't you post your pic on HSW. There's a thread where you can post your pic. It's SEE ME! thread. I'm waiting for you there ;D