Is it just me or rather it's been a while that fans had noticed it already or it's really that Bonnie's starting to be look like Daniel Radcliffe? WOAH. I noticed when I saw this picture :D Shape of the face most especially *giggles*
Ok, I know there's got a lot of HG/DB fans out there that might be happy with this but if you gals think I'm just so wishful thinking, then fine and feel free to whack me on head. HEHEHE. I just really got amazed when I saw the picture so I posted it here. You just decide now peeps if I'm right or wrong. XD That's her latest appearance at the premiere of the movie Bourne Ultimatum, btw^^
Credits to BonnieWrightOnline for the pic.
PS: I love on how they'll be making the HBP. About the awkward and comical romance between Harry and Ginny Weasley, YAY!~ Can't wait. WAAAHHH.