Just until Sunday peeps. I need to review for my departmental exam seriously. I only have 3 days left and yet I STILL KNOW NOTHING! BOO! I think I'm not ready yet to take the exams and that's so lousy of me so I have to do something. All the reviewers are with me already and we can be excuse to our classes just for this D.E. so I have to take this seriously.
Please pray for me, will you, gals? :D Everyone will be missed^^
Oh yeah...I camwhored last 26-28. I was in the mood and I thought could be already part of my post-birthday celebration :D That's 60+ photos in there that you can look up to while I'm not around. HAHAHA. Check it peeps, please!^^
And just for the record : I HAVE A NEW LG CELLPHONE! BWAHAHAHA.