Catch 22

Jul 18, 2008 19:30

*deep sigh*

I'm feeling a bit tested and that's making me testy...

ok a little over a month ago i was put on probation at work because of my BRIGHT FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE ATTITUDE. That and I tend to be a little bossy. I'm an Alpha Personality that doesn't really like to be in charge... Problem being I step into a leadership roll when(this is most of the time an uncousious reaction but as of recently I've been seeing things a bit clearer so i can head it off at the pass more often.) there needs to be a leader and no one wants to or no one knows how to take the reigns and handle the situation.

Now we have three interns(read: two high schoolers and one college student that want to be vets when they grow up) that have deemed me the shift air traffic controller and will HOVER around me until I give them something to do. If i don't give them something to do the will stare at me or what I'm doing until, this will surely happen, I spontaneously combust. AHHHHH! Dude. After three days of it, THREE days of having ATLEAST TWO hovering interns I was trying desperately not to scream. instead I've drank two bottles of wine. I discussed this with the youngest of the "interns" because I was fraying around the edges. I pulled her in back and I gave her the fast, blunt low down. She looked up at me with her never ending grin that can tucker me out faster than attempting to run a mile and says,"I fallow you because you give me stuff to do! Then I won't be bored!"
I love that they love me and they know the can learn from me but DAMN IT I just can be that personable mentor all the fucking time for three people. I'm not your mom. Please for the love of god, you are in a hospital, find something to do. Clean something, stock something, reclean something.

Admittedly I was surprised recently to find that one of my coworkers, who has been working in this industry since she was 16 considers me a go to person. We had this weird case with a dog breaking out with cysts, it turned out to be something in the same family of leprosy and TB. Rare and fucking cool to have witnessed it first hand. Said coworker turned to me after the dr left the room and asked what leprosy is. I was kind of shocked that she asked me and not the dr. I thought about it and a lot of my coworkers ask me about stuff like that and if i have no sort of answer I either point them to someone that can help them or I look it up online. I've always considered myself a store house for a large amount of useless information. i like that i can use it from time to time to help people. *grin*
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