Alphabet Challenge: "F"

Dec 18, 2010 20:27

WARNING: Kinda Angsty
F: “Fluctuat nec mergitur”

When Zedd had first told Richard and Kahlan that their love was powerful enough to subvert the power of the Confessor’s magic, Cara put everything she had into maintaining her loyalty and obligations as a Mord’Sith. But neither her Lord Rahl nor the Mother Confessor herself could help but notice her withdrawal. Cara had never been one for unnecessary conversation, but she had become… friendly, over time. Her jokes were less cutting and more like jabs. The blonde had been seen smiling, she had admitted to feelings, and had helped them to save the world. But from the minute Zedd had told the two young lovers of their newfound freedom to be together, Cara had begun to revert. She was not hostile, but the Mord’Sith functioned as a living weapon and nothing more.

Neither Richard nor Kahlan said anything, even to each other on the matter - though a number of pointed looks had passed between them across the fires at night. Cara took point every morning when they set out, stood first watch every night, ate little, did all of the hunting, and spoke not one more syllable than was necessary - and only to answer questions directed to her. Finally, after days without faltering, the Confessor could not stand it anymore and rode her horse ahead, slowing alongside the leather-clag warrior.

“Cara,” Her tone was unsure, and held a note of pleading to it despite not even knowing what she was asking for or why.

“You will never lose me, Confessor,” Cara replied, her eyes not leaving the road, her tone flat and sure. “But do not ask me again to give you more than I can afford to lose.”

Translation: “It is tossed by the waves but it does not sink”

f, kahlan/cara, alphabet challenge, femslash, latin, lots

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