Dec 16, 2010 19:15
D: “De inimico non loquaris sed cogites”
Rothenberg may have been one of the biggest and most prosperous kingdoms in all the territories, but they were still of the Midlands. Therefore they fell under the rule of the Mother Confessor. And once Kahlan Amnell had returned to Aydindril, Seeker and First Wizard in tow, the story of how she had been held prisoner by the Margrave spread fast. Of all the many stories of their adventures while stopping Darken Rahl (the first time; the second time happened so quickly and easily it didn’t make for much of a story, really) and then their quest for the Stone of Tears? That one was most recounted by travelers and merchants from town to town.
The Midlands knew that Kahlan Amnell had been the last Confessor, and that she was perhaps the best that could have been chosen to be the last -- but everyone remembered what happened when Prince Fyron tried to take the throne. The thought that the man had made a deal with the Sisters of the Dark for the Mother Confessor’s life, so that he and his court would be granted eternal immunity from death, in order to assure that the Keeper of the Underworld would succeed in his designs to destroy all of life…? Many thought the man lucky to be hidden behind his magically protected walls.
But luck wasn’t enough.
Wizards and Sorceresses might not have been able to curse him from afar, but angry citizens of the Midlands had certainly tried to exact revenge in the name of the Mother Confessor. Soon, few would even take their goods and wares to Rothenberg to sell. Almost immediately after that, practically no one would buy anything made in Rothenberg. The people of the province became bitter, resentful, downright angry with their Margrave. Some even left; the city’s skilled workers taking their families and their shops elsewhere. Where once the Margrave had felt safe in his protected palace, now he was trapped. Eventually, the people laid siege to the castle, and the Margrave was forced to flee.
Stupidly, he went to Aydindril, to the large chateau he kept on Palace Row within the city’s gates. The condition he’d found it in upon his arrival made him so outraged he demanded to see the Mother Confessor, to seek remunerations for the damages.
And then she had him right where she wanted him.
Translation: “Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it”
((Okay! In my head, Cara's in the background doing sneaky subterfuge and, like, black-ops dissension-spreading... I just didn't know how to work it in without it being blatant -- that's why it says that only the Seeker and Wizard were "in tow" at the return to Aydindril... Author-rant over, promise!))
alphabet challenge,