Alphabet Challenge: "A"

Dec 13, 2010 23:08

In order to try and pull myself out of a slump, I’ve decided that I will write a small ficlette/drabble every day… for 26 days.
Can you guess that there’s an alphabet theme involved yet?
Being in the “Land of Latin”, Italy (and my very recent trip to Rome itself), I have decided that my prompts will be thus:
Each day I will choose a Latin quote from my “collection” - yes, I do collect Latin quotes. What? I’m a nerd! Big shocker there, I’m sure!... - that starts with the ordered letter of the alphabet. HOWEVER! I have no quotes starting with W, X, Y or Z. So, if any of you would like to throw a suggestion into the ring (such as a Latin quote of your own or even just a favorite letter?), I’m game.

Naturally, the first quote/prompt will I’ll start with will be A.

A: “Amantium irae amoris integratio est”


“What?” The Mord’Sith shouted right back, Agiel trained on the man in front of her. Kahlan glared.

“Let him go.” The Confessor stated clearly, her tone a warning. Cara’s face became somehow even more incredulous. The man, however, took the Mother Confessor’s word as final (and feeling more confident with the Cara’s gaze now turned away him), tried to run off. The blonde tripped him without even glancing back. He landed flat on his face. He must not have been stupid; he stayed down.

“He was watching us bathe!” Cara reminded her companion angrily. Kahlan heaved a sigh, holding her dress against her body more carefully as she approached the still-stark-naked Mord’Sith. Holding a hand to the blonde’s wrist, the Confessor gave their peeping-tom a look and a sharp nod, telling him to get gone.

“You used to watch me bathe all the time too, Cara.” She reminded, smirking.

Translation: “The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.” (Terence)

a, kahlan/cara, alphabet challenge, femslash, latin, lots

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