Welcome back to the crazy life of the Obels! I'm playing using the weekly mini challenges from
here. It's also a
pixel_trade legacy and this update includes sims by
Negomimogen, most notably Alicia. It is also a
differences in the family tree legacy to add to the fun
I go back to the house to find Izak wishing his schlong was longer
Its nice to see you doing homework Snowe, but you haven't been to school yet so where did you get it?
Izak: That's it i'm going to check out Ornan's
Ornan: Izak, you shit head!
He doesn't appreciate being walked in on XD
Bartholomew, business men usually take briefcases to work, not trashy novels
Ornan: I hate the world
Izak: *In time out*
Close up of that face because its hilarious
Outfit number three
The hat actually suits him
Izak: This home work is sending me to sleep
As usual the parenting skills are left to Barty
This kid is Rory Be-Storms, son of
Negomimogen's Rose Be-Storms
Bartholomew: My life sucks, we have no money, my wife is always miserable, my children hate each other and i smell
He is always crying over something
Then this happened. And i realised i didn't put a burglar alarm in. Luckily Izak woke quickly and called the police
She only had eyes for the dresser
The police lady turned up though and saved the day and they got the dresser back
And while all this was going on? Ornan decided it was the perfect time to make breakfast. Bartholomew and Alicia didn't even wake up the whole time
The boys always have faces like this. They're always in a bad mood.
some rare brotherly interaction. Though Ornan looks extremely bored
I sent Alicia to find some seeds as i'm hoping for some money trees. I'm seriously struggling to get these guys to make any money its ridiculous. I wanna make their house pretty :(
Outfit four. I like this one
He suits those dreads
Alicia: Oh god! what happened to my hair!
Alicia: Whoever did it better hope i don't find out!
I adopted a girl called Sally as they need a girl and a boy for the differences in the family tree challenge. she won't be eligible for heir though
Bartholomew welcomes her to the family. While i remember, she's a vehicle enthusiast, virtuoso and artistic
She immediately makes use of her artistic trait to make some money for the family
Prom time! neither of the boys have dates. Izak is a loner and Ornan hasn't got any friends lol
Then i discover Ornan has skipped prom to do his homework in the middle of the street on the other side of town
Outfit five
Not sure how i feel about that hair but i thought it suited the outfit
Brec's birthday
Before his make over
I've never seen this before! Izak sat on the edge of the bath to eat his cake
Brec after his make over. He's adorable. He aged into that outfit and i thought it was cute so he gets to keep it
The gnome has taken to hiding out in the garden
Outfit six
I quite like this one but its not my favourite
I sent him down town to try and raise some funds for his job
He didn't have any success though so he soon went home again
Ornan: Why did i choose to come home with this guy. Must make my escape
Alicia: You know, we haven't had some time alone for a while now....
Bartholomew: you're right... *grab*
Bartholomew: We may have our problems but i do love you
The kids doing homework together :)
This is really cute
Bartholomew telling a ghost story. And his audience?
Yep. there isn't one
After this my game started lagging horrendously so i moved them and their house to Twin brook
Izak: So mother thinks she can start giving me attention now? I don't want to hear it
Poor Alicia
Look seven
Back to a normal look. He'll keep this one as he's ageing up in a couple of days
The problem with moving is that the horrible imaginary friends that i left in the post box went with them and straight into the boys' inventories
Ornan: Must get myself into shape
Ornan, your arms couldn't be any skinnier
This paparazzi, Doug Downey, came over to stalk them
Brec: Omg omg mum's paying me some attention! Must take advantage!
Brec: That dirty man better not be taking pictures of me
Brec: Mum, that man over this is watching us
Alicia: I'll sort him out *Bitch face*
Alicia: If you don't get off my land right now mister you will be sorry
Wait, what's going on in the background?
Brec: Crap. I pissed myself. I hope that guy didn't get a photo of that
Izak practising his mating call i think?
Brec: My loyal subjects...
Brec: If you don't bow before me...
Brec: And give me all your money....
Brec: I will cut off your heads!
Bartholomew, still reading the smut. You know there ARE other books in the house. Not many, but some
If that isn't a face that's planning something then i don't know what is
Family gathering! minus Sally. I can't help but feel that poor Sally is an outcast. she hasn't really settled in well
Great, just lie in front of the fridge, blocking it, Mr gnome
Izak, that's Sally's bed. what's wrong with your own?
Alicia: So Sally, how do you like your new house?
Sally: ... I've been here a week and this is the first time you've talked to me. how do you think i like it?
This evil deer was trying to eat Alicia's garden and did not approve her shooing it away
Sally: Dad., do you think i could star in a movie? it could be like Annie or Oliver
Bartholomew: Ummm...
Bloody imaginary friends. At least they are only dolls right now and will hopefully stay that way
Bartholomew: my daughter is crazy!
Serious cereal eating face
Traffic jam at the top of the stairs...
Snowe takes the opportunity to skip school
But Alicia notices
Alicia: What do you think you're doing, young man?
Snowe: Umm, my stomach hurts?
Alicia: Don't lie! Don't ever let me see you skip school again!
Snowe: *Cowers* I won't, mum
Snowe: Maybe if i clean the house she will forgive me
It worked because she let him off the hook after only two hours
Brec: Urgh Sally have you farted? You stink
Sally: No! it was you! Don't blame me!
Another paparazzi came round. This one is cute though
Barty's birthday!
He looks pretty much the same, other than his cheekbones are more defined.
That's it for this update. next time should be the end of this gen plus an heir poll :)
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