Random stuff about me, me, me!

Jul 26, 2006 20:37

Sunshine makes me happy but intense humidity does not. This makes the office in which I work unbearably hot; its next to the maternity wards and the whole area has to be similar in temperature to a furnace to keep all the fecking babies warm, perhaps because Wishaw General cannot afford incubators; this in turn meant that today I was subjected to the stunning visual treat of the new girl (agency staff, bleh!), who is build like a sumo wrestler, flapping her similarly hideous skirt up in an effort to cool down. It was nearly as bad as the time she showed me her stretch marks before I had time to run in terror from the room (she's never had a kid, either). So for more reasons that one, I've been spending a lot of time randomly standing in the fridges through in the lab area, looking foolish.

But at the same time, yay for roasting hot office! Because last week I received my first wage in about a year, so it's all been totally worth it :oD
Because of my all round general brilliance I treated myself to a new phone contract complete with lovely nokia silver and pink slide phone. It is sooooooooo cute! Plus its a video phone so now I finally have a copy of "Carolyn in the Cupboard" all to my very self. My proudest moment.

Two weeks ago I joined the Aquatec gym and have actually been four times since then... go me! Couldn't go last week though, as it's still too bloody hot.

Now for some serious raaaaaaaj! With regards to ongoing application to rejoin HBOS, for reasons now unknown to myself. After waiting about a month for an "assessment day" (i.e. three hour interview with role play/group exercise nonsense), when I got there they told me there was no point in continuing with said "assessment day" as I couldn't commit to doing a 9-2 shift five days a week. I've lost count of how many times I told them I was a student! Grrrrr!
I kinda hope I get back in there in spite of all the crap they put me through, because I'd almost forgotten how much fun and rummied HBOS staff can be - on friday I went to Hype with people from Derek's team, some of them I actually knew from when I worked there, and despite my perceived neddiness of the chosen venue it was much fun. Seriously guys, I'll need to take you all out in Motherwell one of these days.
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