Mar 15, 2006 09:42
What a wonderful, crazy week this has been...
Saturday saw the arrival of fellow Glasgow Erasmus bastards Dave, Andy, Bill, Vonny and Elle, so despite my persisting cold many flams were in order. I never get bored of them, even when they are served in such a dictatorial style. Anyway, the waitress chose well, twas all very yummy! I sadly couldnt make it to Freres, don't think it would have done the cold much good.
On Sunday I went to see my very first Strasbourg game - I really need to go back and see another one, cos it really was such good banter, but only when its warm! I had to leave at half time as I could no longer feel my hands or my feet, but I don't think I missed much in the second half :oP Oh, and on the way home I got chatted up by some kid who looked about 12 - French guys really are such optimists!
Then it was drinks with Professor Murdoch and the 4th years from Glasgow who were doing the Human Rights Project; good banter, but the students all looked way too calm... they must be fecking geniuses.
Monday was crazy: lectures all morning, then home to get a bit of lunch before heading to the European Court of Human Rights to see the moot. I tried to get a nap but was woken up by the woman who cleans the corridors and kitchens and stuff making a hell of a lot of noise (how inconsiderate... 8am lecture means that I need my afternoon siesta!). Then she knocked on my door to give me a form to fill in to tell the nice Gallia people when I'll be leaving in June. This being France, I probably won't find this out until some time in May, if I'm lucky.
The moot was really good to watch, although the level of interogation from the judges was quite franky terrifying. I'm still planning on applying for it next year; I probably won't get in, but to be honest I'd be able to see the bright side of rejection!
Afterwards we were treated to a bloody delicious dinner in the restaurant across the road from Gallia with the judges and everyone from Glasgow - merci Mr Brown! It was surprisingly relaxed and fun, given that we were dining with ECHR judges. They're actually really good banter!
After debating for days whether or not I wanted to go to the spas in Baden Baden on the Tuesday morning, I decided that I had better go to the 8am constitutional law lecture instead. This didn't happen, of course - I was so knackered that for the third time this week I slept straight through my phone alarm, which probably woke everyone up in the rooms on either side of me, but it takes a hell of a lot more than that to wake me up when I need my sleep! I eventually woke up at 11 when Derek phoned me to say that he had arranged to get something delivered to Gallia, and could I go downstairs to get it so that it doesn't end up being lost/stolen/locked in a drawer for months on end. I eventually dragged my ass downstairs in jeans and a pj top, only to find out that the thing getting delivered was, in fact, Derek. He actually flew from Glasgow to Strasbourg just for one day to see me!!! :oD Yaaay! Without a doubt the most fabulous, romantic surprise ever ever ever! Plus he brought pressies for me to open next week on my birthday, which is so nice, because then it'll actually feel like my birthday! Woop woop! Although I'd prefer it if he could have stayed for longer, it was so nice just to see him for a day (",) He is so sweet!
After seeing Derek onto the Ryanair bus this morning I had two hours of class. I am now so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, but I'm feeling happy and content, I have a nice baguette to eat for lunch, and the sun is shining.
All is good and well with the world (",)