I are alive! Really...

Dec 04, 2008 15:31

So I got to cashier on Black Friday this year. I usually work the snack bar, where I am safely behind a counter and out of reach of crazy people. Anyway, cashiering. Yeah, it was an experience to say the least. I was at the store at 5:45 AM (I worked until 2:15 PM) and the store opened at 6:00 AM. When they opened the doors, people just came stampeding in. It was insane. For the 8 1/2 hours I was there, it was non-stop people. We had like every register open and the lines were still super long. I never want to do that again. *shudder* And if things work out, I won't be doing it again.

I'm still trying to lose weight so I can get into the Navy. I've got to lose about 2 1/2 more inches or 17 more lbs. I'm down about 15 1bs since September. I'd be down more if I was more diligent about exercising, as my parents are ever so fond of telling me...constantly. >.< But yes, I really want to get into the Navy. I wish I wasn't so about procrastinating. I really should already be enlisted. *sigh* Must lose more weight. I have to be in by the beginning of January because I have no idea how I'll be making my student loan payments for the month if I'm not. This month's payment (plus credit card payments and Christmas) is going to wipe out my checking account. >.< Student loans should be required to have low interest rates. Seriously, with interest I'll be paying back almost twice what I borrowed. >.<

Anyway, Tales of Symphonia sequel for the Wii! Woot! I'm only like 3 hours into the game. I just finished the 1st chapter, but it's pretty fun so far. But Lloyd! What are doing!? What has happened to you!? I must find out! Sadly, the Wii's set up in the living room since there's no room for in my bedroom, so I can only play at night, after my parents are in bed and I've played Wii Fit. *sigh* I also bought the remake of the original Star Ocean for the PSP. I haven't really started playing it yet though. Tales is distracting me. ^^;

I want to go to Ohayocon this year...err...next year..., but I have no idea if I'll still be home or how I'm getting there since kaa-chan lives in Columbus now. >.< Not to mention I have no idea how I'll be affording it. *sigh* I missed Otakon and now I might have to miss Ohayocon. No!!! I'll go through withdrawals! *tear* Oh well, I'm sure things will work out.

video games, loans, life, ohayocon, ramblings, work, enlisting, the trauma of working black friday

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