What a day.
Need to remember that even though the furniture is used for display it is also antique and for sale. Scratches are unacceptable!
Afterward, I took a trip across the river to the mall to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3. Apparently you can unlock the 4th Hokage in this one. Yosh! Crack anyone? heh. Random: the little coffee shop in Oakwood has the tastiest iced coffee drinks. I also pre-ordered the new
OURS cd. I am eagerly anticipating this album. Distorted Lullabies I love. Love I tell you! Precious was okay, but it disappointed me a little(even though the critics liked it better than the previous). The songs I've heard off Mercy sound like they put both albums into a bottle, shook it, and poured out the happy medium.
That's right.
Not stirred.
Clint's started drawing again. I need to inquire where he can get some nice art supplies. I must remember! Lately my mind has had to be in a million places at once.
Life is hectic down here.