Totally Wow

Jan 17, 2005 22:03

Ok, so D has finally guilt tripped me enough to write this thing. I never was really good at keeping a journal, every now and then I'll find an old one of mine with only a few pages written on. But I digress.

So, probably the coolest thing that has happened recently in my world is that my brother and I went to see Phantom of the Opera. Apparently, in some aspects at least, I am still a girl and the film inspired formerly happily repressed feelings of mushiness. Heck, I nearly cried during some parts. The girl (I can say that, as she is less than a year older than I am) that played Christine was fantastic, and hauntingly framilar. I knew I knew here from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. It turns out that Emmy Rossum was in the Disney Movie Genius that I watched back when I both got and watched Disney. Genius was a really cool moive, and I was astonished by her marvolous voice in Phantom of the Opera. And, of course, she's just ever so beautiful as well. She was also mentioned in one of the after shows of the Golden Globes as being the person to knock this fashion guys' socks off. Two pictures of her in the previously mentioned movie can be found

Not so good things include: midterms, people at school not doing their work, and my brother flipping the truck. Yeah, that last was particularily scary, but he is surpizingly fine. He has to buy my dad a new truck though, and that will put a crimp in his money style for awhile, but things should be ok.

Additionally, while I'm talking about J, I should probably mention the completly awesome gift that he got me for christmas, in addition to his actually being here: a full length, leather trenchcoat. Being Florida, it was actually about $60 less than the half-coats, and something that I enjoy a whole lot more. Trench coats are fun ^.^.

Why haven't I posted? Well, I've been doing a lot of reading. I can share some of the links with you, but most of them are currently unfindable, as my computer has recently gone through a reformatting, and the extra hard drive I stored all my old favorites on is currently being smarter than I am, and taunting me by not working. Whenever I think I get it hooked up right, it annoys me with the wonderful white text on black screen that informs me that it cannot find the hard drive, and that if I just press enter, it will then attempt to start the computer without one. Now, I know that I'm not a computer genius, but that seems sorta... dangerous? unstable? something like that. Definately not Of The Good. Anyway, those links.
Slashy goodness includes:
The Sentinel series from a few years back. Jim and Blair are just, like, wow.
I'm currently reading a WIP series by Calista Echo, the first story of which is What Comes Together. A reallllly good humor story of this pairing is Blair and the Well Meaning Christian in which Blair learns that the Christians have lost Jesus AGAIN!!! Silly Christians, Jesus was a Jew. Go check the Synagogue.

Highlander, the Series
Duncan/Methos all the way. Definately VERY hott people, and the UST is just outta this world.
One the the sweetest stories (on Duncan's part anyway) is The Gift.

Harry Potter cannot be left out. If you haven't joined the HP craze, go here NOW!!! Also, go there if you just want a reminder. (On a side now, about the LJ black out, go here, just for the hell of it.)

Slashily (is that even a word?) I realllllly enjoy Harry/Remus, but, there are a lot of gen stories out there that I just adore. Even *gasp* some Het. Die of shock now, plzkthnx. The gen/het ones include Different Magic, Gentry Green and Truths. Additionally, The Lord of Caer Azkaban is a good, WIP het read.

Ok, now that I've done that, and given you all stuff to read, I must include a mention of D's and mine Raquetball game, in which I threw a ball at a raquet, and D ducked. Transcripted
D (8:16:13 PM): Can we play racquetball now?
Me (8:16:21 PM): *doesn't know how*
D (8:16:28 PM): *doesn't, either*
Me (8:17:11 PM): *hits a raquet with a ball*
D (8:17:32 PM): AAAHHHG!!!!! *ducks to avoid racquet, starts crying*
Me (8:18:38 PM): *blinks**looks at raquet in hand**catches bouncing ball* Cry baby :-P
D (8:19:08 PM): You hit the racquet... with the ball... that's backwards...
Me (8:19:29 PM): ....
Me (8:19:35 PM): Not according to the nammme
D (8:19:49 PM): *looks at it* oh

In a side note, Nimori did some wonderful icons for the LJ black out.
. Totally not mine, but I doubt that she'll be upset that they're here. They've been popping up everywhere, including the Daily Snitch, so I just searched back to who made them. Most of the Journal itself is NC-17, but most of that is behind cuts, so don't worry Cas.

It's now 10, and I must do the dishes before heading to bed. I have school in the morning (yay) and need to be functioning at about 6:30 so I don't kill anyone on the drive over. I'll talk to you later!


ETA: Yes, the Trench Coat is Black, and it has a silver lining... its delicious. And of course I shelter Cas, or at least warn her of such things. *shrugs* Warnings are for everyone, but Cas is the most likely to possibly be bothered by some of it.
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