Route App

Sep 30, 2011 16:35

Name: Erin
Livejournal Username: neko142001
AIM/MSN: AIM - neko142001
Timezone: PST
Current Characters in Route:
Aya Fujimiya || Weiss Kreuz || secret_sword
Abby Sciuto || NCIS || holy_caf_pow
Hatori Sohma || Fruits Basket || dragon_doctor27

Name: Louise Hardwich
Series: Absolute Obedience
Timeline: Post A Game
Canon Resource Links: Wiki Link, A nice game summary someone did

The basic gist of the game is that Kia and Louise work together and are assigned cases. As they go through these cases they begin to notice strange things like a woman appearing here and there and things going missing. At the end it is revealed that Louise's father has a lover who happens to be Kia's mother. They've been assigning them their missions. Together the two decide to continue to take cases and eventually decide to hook up as well, declaring their love for each other after being the hero.

Another important detail revealed here is that Louise was born the son of a rich family. However his parents didn't love each other. They each had their own lovers and often left him to the care of servants who wanted nothing to do with him either. At one point his mother called for him and her lover showed interest in the child Louise. She even promised that he might have the chance with Louise at some point if she was pleased. Later this man found the boy alone and tried to enjoy his body. Scared, he ran away to his mother who showed him no sympathy and even welcomed the man into her embrace.

This man continued to pursue Louise for years afterward. Now he's the heir to the Hardwich name and has to maintain a good image. However, he does his own thing much of the time which is why he is in this business with Kia.

Personality: When first meeting Louise, one can find him to be a very charming young man with the handsome face of an angel. It's obvious that he's from good breeding and he's very respectful to others. He is upper class and acts as his station would demand. He's very charming and well spoken as well as intelligent. Often he is quiet and seen reading books to pass the time. When he isn't obligated to be somewhere. Nearly everyone is enchanted by him and wants to get to know him. Often before they ever learn about the power that his name holds or the money that he happens to have.

That said, he actually has a distaste for some of the things required of his station. If he can, he will actually avoid attending functions. He can easily be described as picky, choosing to do things only if he wants to. Assuming he has a choice in the matter of course. Of course, he still has very refined tastes. He would prefer not to go to places that do not have the luxuries befitting someone of his station. People serving him food and tea, a good bed, clean surroundings... One might actually call him spoiled since he can actually expect these things to be there for him. Especially when he starts extending these thoughts towards people. It's a very rare time when he will interact with someone that he considers "beneath him". Unless they are servants. Then obviously they are there to do their duties.

As a whole, it is quite difficult to get close to Louise. He tends to close himself off from others and tends to hide his real feelings about a situation behind a pleasant smile. This is something that he calls his "work smile" and he uses it often. Having someone get too close means running the risk of something like him losing control or even the risk of something like love. Something that he doesn't believe in. After all, his parents never loved him from what he can tell. Nor did the servants. And they were constantly changing lovers. So obviously love must be a thing that is just spread around to suit the purposes of whomever might need it at the time. Affection can happen but that's better suited to giving gifts to someone that belongs to him.

He is very possessive of people he decides that he likes and feels that he should be the focus of their world. This may be from him being starved for love but he will become very huffy if he has to witness someone he likes flirting with another. As long as he doesn't witness it he's fine. But he doesn't want it "flaunted" in front of him. And it's never a good idea to tease him by doing this. He will not take it well. In fact, Louise is quite likely to walk away altogether or force someone to apologize to him for doing this.

One way to get him to be genuine about a situation is to get him around horses. They are a passion of his and he loves them. His face will light up and there will be a youthful innocence to his features that otherwise might not actually exist. It's almost as if the ice melts away completely. He is very knowledgeable about the creatures and treats them better than he actually does most people. They are given the best and he is always kind to them without any kind of abuse or teasing.

After all, Louise can be a bit of a sadist. It's quite fun to get close to someone then tease them until tears come to their eyes. And there are times when he will even find a person's inner masochist to take advantage of it. However, this really only applies with men. And only after he has them alone and is really and truly interested in them. Otherwise it's like he's a precious angel. Little does anyone realize that he's a devil disguised a pretty angel. He knows that he is breathtakingly beautiful and uses those good looks to his advantage. Often. It should be noted that these looks have caused straight men to fall for him.

But it should be noted that he's not all cruelty and manipulation. There are sides to him that are truly kind and he even has a strong sense of justice. He does not approve of wrong doings that will harm those in a station beneath him. He also disapproves of true evil and cruelty of that nature. If he can, he will use whatever power and/or money he has in order to help out. On the flip side though, he will either pretend he did nothing, say that it was an advantage to him, or say that he will make whoever he helped out repay him in some way. He doesn't like people realizing there is a nicer side to him. It's far easier to have them not realizing it's there at all.

There is one person that he has truly let in and that he trusts above all others though. It's important to mention this person because this person has caused him to actually love someone. Something he doesn't believe in. This person is Kia. He is very protective of him and cares about him more than anyone else. He is his precious partner as well and most recently his lover. Kia is able to understand him better than anyone and knows that Louise actually has a kinder side to him. This does not mean that Kia is exempt from Louise's more sadistic side. Oh no, he is just as likely to let go on him as he is anyone else. All it means is that Kia happens to be closer to him and understands his secrets better than anyone ever has. They protect each other and are also very possessive of one another. Of course they still will do missions but it's something that they just don't flaunt in front of each other.

As a whole, he is a charming individual. He is beautiful and knows it and uses that to his advantage. Because of his station he is picky and perhaps a bit snobbish. Opening up to others is not an easy task for him and he would prefer not to do it. But get him around horses and his eyes light up. He is far kinder than he wants anyone to realize but just has trouble believing that love is real. Only Kia has really been able to find out all these different points about Louise. Kia is his most precious person, his real love who knows him better than anyone.

+ Charming: Many people are very enamored with him when they meet him for the first time and he tends to always have a sweet, angelic smile on his face.
+ Smooth talker: It's amazing how he can slip into a situation just by talking his way through something. Or out of if need be.
+ Able to handle a whip with expert ease
+ Expert knowledge and admiration of horses
+ Gentleman: He was raised to be such because he's from an upper class family. To be a gentleman is expected of him.
+ Can blend into high class settings: Again, he's from an upper class family. Settings like this are a cake walk to him because this is what he was raised to deal with.
+ Knows how to get the best connections even if he doesn't have them already: When you have his social standing, you learn to get the best connections possible. For everything.
+ Master at covering up messes: This can be paying it away or buying up a land or simply threatening someone with his power.
- Doesn't open up easily: He can often be called cold since he learned ages ago that love probably isn't real. It's better not to let anyone that close because it probably won't be real. The only true exception is Kia.
- Jealous if someone that "belongs" to him gets affectionate with others: He can be very possessive and will get into a huff if he sees someone he's laid claim over providing someone else with adoration they should be giving him instead.
- Extremely picky: He has very refined tastes. He feels that these should be catered to. On a regular basis of course. Probably comes from being upper class. Note that this extends to food, sleeping arrangements, and people.
- Can be quite cruel in how he treats others/trains them: He once whipped a man until he bled and then blackmailed another. Usually this is to actually get someone closer to him. Don't ask how that works but somehow it does.
- Has very high expectations: Extremely high. Perfection levels. Of course it's hard for everyone to live up to these but when they fall short it's likely he will make the person make up for that.
- Quite vain; believes his more attractive than anyone else
- Enjoys teasing to the point of bringing about tears: Call it a kink, call it whatever. The fact is that he thinks it's cute when someone cries so long as the tears are not from sadness.
- Not afraid to unleash punishments over little things: A servant once did things poorly so he whipped him until he bled.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Team Rocket
Starter: Ponyta
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample:

[The video function turns on to reveal a beautiful face of a young man with blond hair. As a whole his features are calm and collected but there is a slight air of irritation to be found there. He sighs as he begins speaking, his voice a sweet tenor.]

So it would that this place has a sense of humor. One that I am afraid I cannot appreciate.

[That pretty face gives just the slightest of frowns.]

Clearly it wasn't bad enough to force one to travel by foot and to have one sleep in tents on the ground as well as go without someone being able to cook a proper meal. Apparently this place deemed it necessary to believe that I am a girl and provide me with clothes befitting a woman. Clothes that are hardly even appropriate.

[Suddenly he gets a sweet smile on his face. It makes him look even more like an angel.]

Perhaps someone would care to tell me where I can purchase clothes that are more appropriate? I don't think that should be too much trouble.

[A Ponyta comes over to him and his features soften as he strokes the Pokemon's nose.]

Ah, Apollo. You must be ready for your training now. [Another glance at the Gear.] Thank you and good day to you all.

Third Person Sample:

To say that Louise Hardwich was annoyed was probably an understatement. First of all, he had never been quite so irritated as the moment when he opened his pack to find an outfit suited for a woman within. Secondly, they didn't possibly expect him to sleep on the ground did they? And finally, how was he supposed to obtain food in such a place as this? He lacked connections that he truly required. Not to mention how he lacked a servant. Where was that fool Gallacher when he needed him. Sighing heavily, he looked over at one of the few good things this place had.

His beautiful horse. It was apparently called a Pokemon. A Ponyta to be precise. He was a superb being to be sure and even the strangeness of the fire for a mane and tail couldn't lessen the adoration he had for the creature. The name he'd decided upon was Apollo. The god of the sun. It seemed to suit his Ponyta quite well and he intended to raise him to run faster than any other of its kind. Considering his experiences with horses, he doubted that it would be too difficult. Already it seemed like Apollo wished to aid him and see to it that he was happy.

It was just a pity that he had to come to this strange place with so many areas that lacked any taste to obtain it. For whatever reason the leader of this Team Rocket organization felt that he could order him around as well. Something that Louise found he intensely disliked when he hadn't volunteered for the project. Still, he supposed the sound of rare Pokemon was interesting enough to hold his interest. And the wealth that he could obtain from it was quite promising.

Besides, someone would have to support Kia. The other man would hardly know how to manage without having his backup of someone to pay for the messes that he made.

Thinking of Kia caused him to pause for a moment with a small smile on his lips. Not one of his false ones that he wore to get closer to people. No, this one was true. Genuine. He still wasn't entirely sure when the man had slipped past his defenses but he could admit to himself that he loved him. The one person who could make him do that when he'd given up on such things. After all, he'd been so sure that love didn't actually exist. Apparently he'd been wrong about that.

How many people had he been with and he'd managed to keep them away from his heart? Even Werner who had gotten the closest hadn't managed it. It was always so easy to keep people at a distance even as he forced them to open up to him. Get to know them but don't let them see the pains of his heart. Or allow them to see that he might care. It wasn't worth the risk. Yet, it didn't change the fact that Kia was somehow different.

Someone approaching distracted him from his thoughts and his smile shifted from a peaceful one to the work smile he was so good at. It was a perfect mask that fooled everyone. Turning, he smiled at the young woman who approached, listening to her then answering her questions. He wasn't surprised that she was interested him. However, Louise couldn't say he shared the same feelings in return.

"I apologize for being unable to return your feelings. But I do hope that we can maintain a friendship in the future? A woman so lovely deserves a man to watch over her interests."

Inside he was sighing because he really didn't care and already felt he was more beautiful than she was. But alas, he needed to be polite. It seemed to work too since Louise could see the blush rising to her cheeks as she stammered a thank you before finally leaving him in peace to watch Apollo run around freely.

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