Ho hum

Aug 26, 2006 22:06

Saturday night! Who isn't doing anything? me! lol... I had a late night last night. First Trib party of the year. Always the least attended party of the year as well. But I had sooo much fun! I know a bunch of other people did too! hehe... best drink from now on... Sprite mixed with Malibu. Mmm... tastes like the non-alcholic Ocean Water containing Sprite and coconut extract that crystalkirk gave me the recipe for!

The conversation went from where we live, our backgrounds and even random sex talk. Best question of the night went to the hostess of the party as she asked our... very conservative EIC if there was one guy he could have sex with (or was attracted to... I can't remember) who would it be? omg... everyone starts saying omg don't ask him that! hehehehehe.... so hilarious.

Ok, movie rundown for the week. I saw and reviewed five movies:
Once in a Lifetime
How to Eat Fried Worms

Out of all of those, "Once in a Lifetime" was the best. eep. Although it's coming out on DVD in October. Ahh well.

Hey so my coffee story? Front page of the first issue of the paper!! Soooo awesome. I'm excited. It's newsie as well as feature-y. loves.

Going to finish watching SVU and then movie time. yippee

articles, movies, tribune

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