Work it out...

Mar 29, 2006 23:05

I have that song in my head... damn Beyonce/Paris Bennett. Ah well...

So, outside of my apartment there is construction going on down the block. There's construction every where, not really a big deal. However, it is after 11 p.m. right now. They are knocking down a parking structure. They have been doing this for the best few nights. Hello!! People are trying to sleep at this time. I mean seriously! Not cute.

I have a stats test tomorrow. I'm feeling a bit more confident about this one than the last one. I'm hoping I can follow through, or I'm basically going to... fail. ya. I can't do that. I've never failed a class, I've never come close to failing a class. Of course I'll stay with the class. I can't quit because of so many other reasons.

Whatever. Time to go watch Lost!!!

<3 Heather

real life

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