SPN meme \o/

Apr 12, 2012 21:47

Stolen from akintay, just because it looked like fun :D

1. Deangirl or Samgirl?
Dean!Girl. And I can't even properly explain why I can relate to him more than to Sam. He wasn't my favorite in the beginning, but when I caught up with all episodes, he suddenly was it <3

2. Casgirl, yes or no?
Well, not as much as I used to. When I got into SPN at first with Season 4, he was my favorite character when I didn't really knew Sam and Dean. It changed during Season 5.

3. Favorite season?
Good question, every season has its highlights, but I think I'll have to go with Season 4 here, simply because it was "my" first season.

4. Favorite episode(s) from your favorite season?
Lazarus Rising (the whole beginning is just LOVE), Death takes a Holiday, On the Head of a Pin and It's a Terrible Life :D (IT!Sam and Suspenders!Dean FTW! /shallow)

5. Season you're most likely to re-watch?
All of them?
No, seriously, it's gotta be Season two, because I was really into it's storyline and love to rewatch it (well, except 4 episodes for which I really don't care)

6. Season you hate the most?
There's no season I really hate, just seasons I'm not sure I'd liked. Even though it has some gems in stand-alone episodes (and gave us robo!Sam, whom I found really hot), I'll go with season 6.

7. Favorite episode of the current season?
Slash Fiction and Time after Time (and probably the next episode that gets written by the same writer)

8. Least favorite episode from the current season?
Season 7: It's Time for a Wedding. Up to today, it's the only episode I voluntarily did never finish watching. I was cringing through the first 15 minutes but had to turn it off then.

9. Favorite angel (besides Cas)?

10. Least favorite angel?
Balthazar. IDEK why, he just rubs me the wrong way.

11. Favorite demon?
Crowley. No need to explain it, right?

12. Least favorite demon?
Sorry, but I'm not too fond of Ruby, compared to the other Demons in this show (well, of the few that showed up and we got the names of XD)

13. Favorite one-episode character? 
Eliot Ness, <3 I want ALL THE FIC with him (but there seems to be a lack of it ;__; Any recs? I just know of the blindfold Dean/Eliot-fill.

14. Sam's hair looked best in which season?
Season 6 and 7, because I like the longer style SO MUCH <3

15. If the show would have ended the way Kripke wanted it to, with Sam and Dean battling each other and jumping into the hole together (and God might show mercy on them, idk), would you have preferred that?
I would have cried like a baby for half of the day but would have really loved the episode.

16. Best cast character throughout the whole show?
The J's, hands down! (Also? Honorable mention of Mark Sheppard, just because he's always great in his roles)

17. Do you think Chuck is God?
Who knows? I'm not entirely convinced that he was.

18. Who's a hotter psychic, Patrica Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sam?
As if that's any contest XD Sam!

19. Freedom or Peace?
Tough question, I'd go with freedom, though.

20. Dimples, freckles, eye-crinkles, bowlegs, bangs, woobie frowns or jaw clinches?
Freckleeeees! I love them :D (though they're closely followed by dimples :) )

21. Favorite kind of monster?
Another tough one, I love the ones where I could believe that they're real (and waiting in my closet for me @___@) like Bloody Mary. I still have a queasy feeling when I look into a mirror while it's dark outside.

22. Weapon of choice?
Just hand me a shotgun and several rounds with rock salt :D Although I wouldn't mind Ruby's knife (after all I did do a costume prop of it :D)

23. Favorite death?
Zachariah, because I was waiting for someone to off him. Pompous git.

24. Favorite minor character's death?
Jo and Ellen, because I really had to cry watching that episode ;__;

25. Pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?
Apocalyptic, because I'm a sucker for "religious" storylines (more in line with "Dogma" or "Good Omens" usually, but still! :D)

26. Scariest episode?
Bloody Mary

27. Best song that mattered for a scene? (you can't choose Carry on Wayward Son)
Does "God's gonna cut you down" by Johnny Cash for the "Hunted"-promo counts? It's genius.
And, if not, "Renegade" ... or "Don't fear the Reaper" :D

28. Best and worst young versions of characters?
Worst: Brock Kelly. Just not how I'm imagining young!Dean.
Best: Colin Ford :D

29. Characters I ship like crazy?
Sam/Dean and I'm sure it doesn't need an explanation <3 The entire series speaks for itself.

30. Favorite female character?
Pamela :D

31. Best and worst season intro and finale?
Best intro: Lazarus Rising, because it holds a special place in my heart for being the first episode I watched entirely
Best finale: All Hell breaks Loose, it was just heartbreaking
Worst Intro: Exile on Main Street. It didn't grab me like all the other first episodes of a season did
Worst Finale: Swan Song. Probably because I was expecting more. It's to date the only finale I haven't rewatched. Maybe a rewatch is in order soon.


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