Art: Wake up, Dean!

Mar 29, 2012 22:48

So, I noticed that I haven't drawn anything "big" this year yet (j2_everafter doesn't count, since it was only posted this year) and had to change it :)
Also, I'm not sure but I'd label this as NSFW, because Sam's basically naked in the picture, even if you can't see anything ;)


My biggest thanks go to quickreaver, dolnmoon, ordinaryink and my lovely friend june, who doesn't own an lj-account, for helping me out here <3

This was the reference I've used :)

Seems that I'm now doing a "Dean and Sam in bed together"-picture every year to see what's been changed style-wise :)

Here are the last two:


from 2009                                     from 2011

spn:dean, art, rating:pg-13, spn:sam, wincest

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