
May 15, 2011 15:53

From today on, my R-rated and NC-17-rated fanarts will be friends only. I've thought hard about it, because I'm usually not such a friend of f-locking stuff, but I don't want everyone on the internet who googles me be able to see it without me having some control over it.

Okay, I admit I post to other sides, too, but you need an account to see it there, too. Here, you can just click past the "You are about to view content that may only be appropriate for adults"-warning if you're logged out :(

I'll leave anything I do for a challenge unlocked, no worries. Just the graphic stuff'll be under f-lock!

If you somehow want to see it, friend me and I'll friend back! (And if you've already friended me, just drop me a line and I'll friend back :) )


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