Feb 19, 2011 02:04
As humans, we are prone to judge. In fact, our minds tend to create judgments before we even realize we're doing it. And somewhere in the midst of our judging, we become hypocritical by doing exactly what we spoke against. Somewhere along the way, consciousness will take over and we then feel guilty of the hypocrisy and the judgment, falling into a wormhole of confusion. Finally, after much thought, we remember that to err is human and the only way to learn is to make mistakes and not repeat. Talk is only talk, worth nothing unless you can turn it into worthwhile action to prove that your mind has taken a strong stance to prevent a future cycle of biased judgment, lame hypocrisy, torn conscience, heavy-laden guilt, and crazy confusion. Because that is an emotional cycle that need only be experienced once or twice before you either get it or you don't. And if you don't, it's not that you don't really understand but it's that you're ignoring the warnings. Which truthfully means that you actually do get it somewhere in you because it's not that difficult of a concept to grasp, no matter what your IQ is. And if you do get it without the smokescreen of ignorance, it means you should stop before the cycle can be allowed to begin again.
Lesson learned?
I think so. I think so.
Teachers use tests to find out how much their students have learned from their lessons. And surely nature will find some way to provide a test in life to determine whether this time talk is cheap or action is gold.