101 Reasons Why..

Apr 01, 2007 15:01

101 Reasons Why Yesterday Was The Worst Birthday Of My Life:

1. Dave has been an insensitive asshole to me for the past week, so we weren't getting along that well to begin with.
2. Half the people that said they would go cancelled at the last minute.
3. Dave's friend "the Rev" (who, by the way I've never even met before) decided I was a 6 year old because Dave told him that last weekend I had a family birthday party. Then he decided to get me a birthday present; a Dr. Suess book and a lollipop. Dave must have enjoyed him making fun of me so much that he actually GAVE THE PRESENT TO ME.
4. We all went to Friday's for dinner. We call an hour ahead as instructed by the semi-retarded waitress since there were 11 of us. Once we get to the restaurant, we still have to wait another 45 minutes.
5. When we were finally seated...they couldn't even put 2 fucking tables together...so we hafta sit at 2 different tables.
6. At this point, only half of our party is actually at the restaurant so other semi-retarded waitresses keep trying to seat people at our other table.
7. Dave is being a loud, obnoxious prick.
8. People keep telling the waitress to have everyone come out and sing happy birthday to me even though I specifically tell the waitress NOT TO.
9. Andrea starts screaming at me because "I picked a restaurant that no one likes". And by "no one", she means her...because apparently mashed potatoes with cheese in it is DISGUSTING and she CAN'T EAT DAIRY PRODUCTS.
10. Dave and AJ continue to tease and threaten me that they are going to have people sing to me.
11. I get mad at this, so Dave keeps storming off to the bathroom.
12. All the semi-retarded waitresses come out and sing happy birthday to me. They bring out a sundae that Andrea eats...funny how she can eat ice cream but not CHEESY MASHED POTATOES. 
13. I don't get drunk.
14. The night continues to get worse and worse and Dave and I aren't speaking to each other.
15. Once we are in the process of paying the bill, Dave leaves before everyone else, and no one knows where he is, not even me.
16. No one comes back to my house as planned, because I am in such a bad mood.
17. The one thing I was still looking forward to is also taken away from me. Dave and I start getting along again, so I figure, well at least Dave is still sleeping over. (Something that he's known about for like a month, because I specifically got the day after off from work so he CAN sleep over.)
18. Once I say, lets go to sleep, I'm tired. Dave says, what do you mean, I hafta go home soon. ..........Apparently he doesn't REMEMBER any of the conversations we had about him sleeping over or the fact that I got the day off from work, and says he has to go home because his parents will be worried..HOW OLD IS HE? 
19. I started crying because it's like the LAST STRAW, on the shittiest day ever.
20. Neither one of us say anything for an hour.
21. He finally says something. "Well I didn't know you were going to cry for 45 minutes" in the bitchiest tone ever. PS-I didn't cry for 45 fucking minutes.
22. He does nothing to try to comfort me, doesn't  say I'm sorry for forgetting...NOTHING, just leaves with everything unresolved.
23. He still hasn't spoken to me.
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