Jun 05, 2005 23:04
All About Music :: Survey
*Do you play an instrument? a little guitar, not much
*What do you play (if so)? see above
*Are you in a band? I so wish...
*Do you think you are cool? haha, sometimes
*Have you ever made a mix cd? like all the time...
*What's your favorite singer/band? hmm, thats hard, right now Fall Out Boy, ask me again in a month and it may be different
*Have you ever been to a concert? yep
*Who played? I've been to a few, so obviously different bands
*How many singer/band shirts do you have? uh, i think 5
*How many cds do you have? like 80, not even counting all my mix CDs
*Did you ever dream of being famous as a singer/musical freak? yeah, but it won't happen since I am completely untalented, and i'd rather be a famous writer
*Are you listening to music now and what are you listening to? yes, Fall Out Boy
*What kind of radio/stereo/whatever do you have? i have a boombox thingie, it's pretty old
*What musical device do you own? well, i got a discman which i dont really use anymore and my beloved blue iPod!
*What do you do while you listen to music (typically)? um, lots of stuff, write, do homework, everything
*How many instruments do you own? i have an acoustic guitar as a loan
*Does any family member play music...really well? haha, no
*Not well? my brother played the clarinet for about a month, does that count?
*If you could ask to have a dead singer/band person come back to life who would it be? hmm...Kurt Cobain?
*What is your favorite soundtrack? quite possible the Punisher soundtrack
*What movie has the best songs on it? omg, Donnie Darko is awesome like that
*Do you own a record player? my parents used to
*Do you own records? ditto
*Do you own cassestes? i have a couple actual mix tapes
*Do you listen to music in the bathroom? sometimes....i have a shower radio, but that batteries are dead
*While you are eating? sometimes if I'm not eating with my family
*While doing homework/any type of work? always, I can't work unless I'm distracted
*While watching tv? haha, occasionally if I really can't put my ipod down
*Do you listen to music so you can go to sleep? every fricking night
*Have you ever tried the method of counting sheep? yeah
*Did it work? no, i hate numbers
*Would you rather have cassestes or records? probably cassettes, i have absolutely no idea how to work a record player
*What is your favorite music place (to buy cds, musical stuff)? haha, best buy. i love going into Guitar Center and drooling over electric guitars like a poser b/c I can't even really play
*What is your favorite musical? dont know
*Are you or were you in chorus? I was in a chorus for a musical in school once, but that was about it
*What's your favorite radio station? possibly Q101 the zone went down the crapper
*Do you want to be a disc jockey? no, I hear they don't make a lot of money
*Do songs ever get stuck in your head and does it really annoy you? yes, all the time
*Do you sing in the shower? haha, not really
*Do you make fake music videos? nope
*Do you watch music videos? yeah
*Are you obsessed with music videos? ehh, not so much anymore
*Have you ever made a cd with you playing on it? nope, like I am that talented?
*Do you sing anywhere? sometimes in the car when im alone
*Do people get annoyed of you because you sing ALL the time? no, since i never sing in front of people
*Do you like music? um, duh?
55 Random Questions :: Survey
1Have you ever fallen off your bed? yes
2Do you sleep on the floor? i used to
3Have you ever gone camping? if you consider sleeping in someone's yard camping or in a cabin, then yes
4Do you like to play hopscotch? no, i'm really not good at hopping
5What do you do when it rains? run around the park like a moron
6Are you on a computer, laptop, etc.? um, duh?
7Where are you now? in my room :)
8How many surveys have you done today? this is my second....im lame like that
9Whats the last movie you've seen? sisterhood of the traveling pants
10Do you go to summer school? nope I am morally opposed to it
11Do you go to camp? I used to
12Have you ever played rugby? no
13Have you ever played basketball when it was storming? no, but I have played basketball on rollerblades...that didnt work out so well
14Are you a cheerleader? good god no!!!
15What's your favorite college? arizona state
16What elementary school did you go to? first Infant Jesus of Prague and then Forest Hills
17Middle School? McClure
18High School? Lyons Township
19College? not there yet
20Out of all of them, which mascot was your favorite? hmm, I'd have to say none
21Do you wear spirit wear? no. the end.
22Do you sprint when you run? i hate running
23What are you listening to now? Fall Out Boy
24What color is your cursor? white?
25Have you ever been to a wedding? actually no, but I'm going to be in one this summer
26Have you ever worked at a job? nope, that's also this summer
27How many times have you moved? just once
28Do you take medicine? yes
29Where have you been out of your country? mexico and the cayman islands. i'm going to canada in august.
30Whats the most exotic place you've been to? either cayman or hawaii
31Are your nails painted? my toenails are still kinda blue
32Do you have makeup on? faded eyeliner
33Do you wear glasses? only to read the board in class and drive at night
34Do you know anyone that is blind? my great grandma was before she died
35Do you have friends that are conceited? doesnt everyone?
36Have you ever planted a tree? yes, but then it blew away in a windstorm, i was sad
37What's your favorite color? black or blue
38Do you think you are popular? haha, Jordan says I am! i dont really think so, i mean, i have friends. am i a prep and a member of the high school social hierarchy, no
39Do you text people? yeah
40Do you have a cell phone? yes
41Have you ever tried counting to a million? yeah, i got to about 500 and stopped
42Do you read during the summer? i read all the time
43What is one thing that is turned on all the time? my cell phone....well, except when im in school
44Do you have asthma? the doctors used to think that i might, im pretty sure i dont though
45Did you ever want braces? yeah, until i actually got them
46Have you ever caught a firefly? yep
47Did you ever cut your own hair? haha, yeah
48Have you been to a palace? nope
49Do you want to be a queen/king? not really, it seems like too much responsibility, and whats the point when I know it will never happen?
50What are you wearing? blue and green plaid pajama pants and my chocolate dyed shirt
51Have you ever roasted marshmellows? heck yes
52Have you made a snowman before? yep...when I was little my dad always made snowmen with the recycling bin
53Is it snowing? hahahaha, no, tgij (thank god its june)
54Do you have a secret handshake with someone? yes! the crack moneky handshake!....but it kinda died...
55Have you ever made paper? i think i might have in elementary school.
All right, now I'm really done. Not that anyone actually read all that, but I apologize for my crappy grammar. I really hate the shift key. Now I actually should go to bed....wish me luck on finals!