1) Are you currently in a serious relationship? A. No.
2) What was your dream growing up? A. To have a "dream". ;-; I never really had one beyond that. T_T
3) What talent do you wish you had? A. To be a talented athlete. Especially running and swimming.
4) If I bought you a drink what would it be? A. ARIZONA Green Tea, or V8 Juice. :9
5) Favorite vegetable? A. Peas fresh form the garden = DELICIOUS
6) What was the last book you read? A. I Am America(And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert. xD
7) What zodiac sign are you? A. Libra! The scales.
8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where. A. None, not even my ears - I'm too fond of my earlobes ^^;;;
9) Worst Habit? A. Snapping at people suddenly. >_> I need more patience. u_u
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride? A. If I knew you, yes. If you were a hitchhiker, maybe.
11) What is your favorite sport? A. I like to watch X-treme sports (snowboarding/scateboarding/motocross/sports where people get their bones broken) >__> I like to play Tennis and badminton and tackle football. xD
12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude? A. I'm optimistic at first, and then my "Realism" kicks in. xD;
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? A. I WOULD TOTALLY TALK ABOUT PR0N WITH YOU.
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you? A. ...Being pulled out of Public School in 1st grade probably. I would have rather never made friends if they were gonna be taken away. Home-school was okay though. I guess I'm good at avoiding bad things. O_o
15) Tell me one weird fact about you. A. I'm a good horseback rider. :o But I don't do it anymore so I'm out of practice. :(
16) Do you have any pets? A. SO MANY CATS: 60. And 2 dogs. ...And some chickens, but they're my sister's. xD
17) What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly? A. I would invite you in and make you some food. <3
18) What was your first impression of me? (hmmm...careful!) A. ...I can't remember. I think I thought you were really polite. xD;;; we first talked when I posted that really perverted Harry Potter doujinshi. that's all I remember. >_o;;;
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? A. I think they're not entertaining at all. :\
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? A. I WOULD BE TALLER. I wanna be as tall as you~ T_T (I'm 1.60m)
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? A. CRIME PARTNER. ;D
22) What color eyes do you have? A. Blue. Eyes are my favorite part of the body. :3
23) Ever been arrested? A. No
24) Bottle or can soda? A. I don't drink soda, but I like bottles
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? A. Give it to my mom so she can pay off her debts. She needs it more than I do. :/ and maybe keep a little for buying doujins. >3>
27) What's your favorite place to hang at? A. I like to hang out in REALLY crowded places, or REALLY quiet, secluded places. *contradiction lol*
28) Do you believe in ghosts? A. Er, No. But I heard creepy Indian drum/flute music in the woods when I was little. It could have been the house over the hill, but it wasn't really coming from that direction... o_o
29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? A. Draw
30) Do you swear a lot? A. FUCK YEAH XD
31) Biggest pet peeve? A. When someone says my name a MILLION times to get my attention. I HEARD. D8< Or if you come up behind me and poke me I WILL FLIP OUT. >_>
32) In one word, how would you describe yourself? A. Fujoshi. Japanese for "dirty girl who like yaoi too much." >3>
33) Do you believe/appreciate romance? A. I believe in it. I have to experience it more to know if I appreciate it. xD
35) Do you believe in God? A. Yes. but sometimes I feel like I believe in him in a different way than most people...
36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? A. Already done! 8D
polite?!..me?!..hahahah..you're the first one to say that, maybe cause you dont know me in person...xD!!!!..some ppl are scared of me...when i first meet someone im ded serious (and cause im tall they expect me to be a bitch, and i am...but only to obnoxious people)..xDDD
loooove stephen colbert, wish i cld buy dvd's with the colbert report :( ...and yaaay to prony talk
horse rinding is the best...until you fall or ride after being inactive for like 4 months, the legs hurt like hell. And it always more fun being a crime parter, i mean at least you dont regret about not doing so..xD...
lol, for some reason it's hard to imagine you as scary. Probably because I know you're as much of a fujoshi as me. xxDDD I guess I can picture you as tall and serious. you're obviously smart, considering what you study. :D
omg. You love Colbert? :D look in my LJ-Gallery! I have an entire gallery of images from his book! 8DDD
Ugh. riding a horse when you're out of practice hurts so much - even when I stretch a lot, I'll get sore. x_x; Somehow, I've only fallen off a horse once, and it didn't hurt. I must be lucky. ^^
and it's always more fun being a crime parter, I mean at least you don't regret not doing it..xD...
men you should have warned that you also have prony images, maybe one day i`ll get to colbert`s gallery...xD
I have fallen twice, once when i was four x_x, my ribs ached for a week..and the second one i landed on my feet, but gawd i`ve seen people fly in the air...
AHAHAHA! Oh dear, I forgot about the prony images. XXDDD
I fell when I was 4 too. My Godfather had me and 2 of my siblings on one horse (I have to wonder if that was wise... >_>;;;) and I slipped off the back. Maybe that early experience is why I am like GLUE when I get on a horse now. xD; I've only seen bad Equestrian accidents on TV, coz I'm usually out by myself, just trail-riding. My mother tells me her sister broke her leg on a jump. x_x
Equestrian accidents get pretty bad. :| Like Christopher Reeves. That was probably the King of all equestrian injuries. ;_;
btw here in mexico is usual to pierce the baby girls earlobes just after they're born, so i had no decision on my ears :/
I never heard about that. :/ my father always forbade piercing our ears. then somehow I became really fond of my earlobes and now I don't want to pierce anything. xD;;;
A. No.
2) What was your dream growing up?
A. To have a "dream". ;-; I never really had one beyond that. T_T
3) What talent do you wish you had?
A. To be a talented athlete. Especially running and swimming.
4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
A. ARIZONA Green Tea, or V8 Juice. :9
5) Favorite vegetable?
A. Peas fresh form the garden = DELICIOUS
6) What was the last book you read?
A. I Am America(And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert. xD
7) What zodiac sign are you?
A. Libra! The scales.
8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
A. None, not even my ears - I'm too fond of my earlobes ^^;;;
9) Worst Habit?
A. Snapping at people suddenly. >_> I need more patience. u_u
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
A. If I knew you, yes. If you were a hitchhiker, maybe.
11) What is your favorite sport?
A. I like to watch X-treme sports (snowboarding/scateboarding/motocross/sports where people get their bones broken) >__>
I like to play Tennis and badminton and tackle football. xD
12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude?
A. I'm optimistic at first, and then my "Realism" kicks in. xD;
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
A. ...Being pulled out of Public School in 1st grade probably. I would have rather never made friends if they were gonna be taken away.
Home-school was okay though. I guess I'm good at avoiding bad things. O_o
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
A. I'm a good horseback rider. :o But I don't do it anymore so I'm out of practice. :(
16) Do you have any pets?
A. SO MANY CATS: 60. And 2 dogs. ...And some chickens, but they're my sister's. xD
17) What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly?
A. I would invite you in and make you some food. <3
18) What was your first impression of me? (hmmm...careful!)
A. ...I can't remember. I think I thought you were really polite. xD;;;
we first talked when I posted that really perverted Harry Potter doujinshi. that's all I remember. >_o;;;
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
A. I think they're not entertaining at all. :\
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
A. I WOULD BE TALLER. I wanna be as tall as you~ T_T (I'm 1.60m)
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
22) What color eyes do you have?
A. Blue. Eyes are my favorite part of the body. :3
23) Ever been arrested?
A. No
24) Bottle or can soda?
A. I don't drink soda, but I like bottles
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
A. Give it to my mom so she can pay off her debts. She needs it more than I do. :/
and maybe keep a little for buying doujins. >3>
27) What's your favorite place to hang at?
A. I like to hang out in REALLY crowded places, or REALLY quiet, secluded places. *contradiction lol*
28) Do you believe in ghosts?
A. Er, No. But I heard creepy Indian drum/flute music in the woods when I was little. It could have been the house over the hill, but it wasn't really coming from that direction... o_o
29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A. Draw
30) Do you swear a lot?
31) Biggest pet peeve?
A. When someone says my name a MILLION times to get my attention. I HEARD. D8<
Or if you come up behind me and poke me I WILL FLIP OUT. >_>
32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
A. Fujoshi. Japanese for "dirty girl who like yaoi too much." >3>
33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
A. I believe in it. I have to experience it more to know if I appreciate it. xD
35) Do you believe in God?
A. Yes. but sometimes I feel like I believe in him in a different way than most people...
36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
A. Already done! 8D
loooove stephen colbert, wish i cld buy dvd's with the colbert report :(
...and yaaay to prony talk
horse rinding is the best...until you fall or ride after being inactive for like 4 months, the legs hurt like hell. And it always more fun being a crime parter, i mean at least you dont regret about not doing so..xD...
omg. You love Colbert? :D look in my LJ-Gallery! I have an entire gallery of images from his book! 8DDD
Ugh. riding a horse when you're out of practice hurts so much - even when I stretch a lot, I'll get sore. x_x; Somehow, I've only fallen off a horse once, and it didn't hurt. I must be lucky. ^^
and it's always more fun being a crime parter, I mean at least you don't regret not doing it..xD...
I agree. xD
men you should have warned that you also have prony images, maybe one day i`ll get to colbert`s gallery...xD
I have fallen twice, once when i was four x_x, my ribs ached for a week..and the second one i landed on my feet, but gawd i`ve seen people fly in the air...
AHAHAHA! Oh dear, I forgot about the prony images. XXDDD
I fell when I was 4 too. My Godfather had me and 2 of my siblings on one horse (I have to wonder if that was wise... >_>;;;) and I slipped off the back. Maybe that early experience is why I am like GLUE when I get on a horse now. xD;
I've only seen bad Equestrian accidents on TV, coz I'm usually out by myself, just trail-riding. My mother tells me her sister broke her leg on a jump. x_x
btw here in mexico is usual to pierce the baby girls earlobes just after they're born, so i had no decision on my ears :/
btw here in mexico is usual to pierce the baby girls earlobes just after they're born, so i had no decision on my ears :/
I never heard about that. :/ my father always forbade piercing our ears. then somehow I became really fond of my earlobes and now I don't want to pierce anything. xD;;;
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