Thanksgiving and stuff...

Nov 30, 2009 23:39

It’s been over a month since I last blogged. Life sure has become exciting since.
I’m teaching Carrissa how to drive. (LOL) She tried with her father and it just didn’t work out. Mostly because Chris got really scared she was gonna wreck the BMW. There was just too much pressure on her to be a good driver. I ended up taking her and her niece for a late night ice cream run Thanksgiving night and when we came out of CVS I just handed her my keys. She is now one of only four people I have ever trusted to drive Bobby (to the best of my recollection). This elite club consists of (in this order): my Mom, Chris, JP, and now Carrissa. She was so scared and sweet about taking Bobby’s wheel. She did very well for her first trip around a large parking lot that had only two other cars in it, lol. She’ll do fine with more practice. Chris and I aren’t getting to see her nearly as much as before because she’s so busy with school and Chris and I are so busy with our jobs. (Carrissa lives with her mom and 8 other brothers and sisters, which aren’t Chris’ children.)

Chris is doing very well with the whole Ocean Grown organic fertilizer business for someone that has had to learn all about farming and fertilizers in only a month. On top of that he took a job with Sprint that has a phenomenal commission structure, even better than his previous job at Verizon. I ended up finding a job with a magazine publishing company and am a manager in the advertising and marketing division. It’s a desk job which is a huge difference from what I used to do producing live television, but I’m happy with it. Having IC makes being in the television business difficult. Mostly because as an associate producer it’s not like I could walk out on a live segment to go pee every five seconds. I had to be there to oversee it. And at HSN that meant standing and staring and sometimes yelling for an hour without being able to leave the room. I’m lucky to have found my new job because not only does it pay better than HSN, but my benefits package is covering both of my preexisting conditions! My benefits go into effect on December 6 and I can’t wait to get into pain management and get some real help with all this pain I’m in all the time. Unfortunately the soonest appointment with my urologist wasn’t available until January 29, so I’ll have to wait until then to be seen and get the referral to the PM doctor. Even so, I’m extremely thankful to have found such a great job in this economy when many people I know can’t find a job, let alone one that matches their degree. My job goes along nicely with both my majors and even my minor, so I’m just thanking God every day and am blown away by this great blessing He has bestowed on me. Did I mention my office (yes, I have my own office!) is right down the hall from the bathroom? Yay! I took my job back at the mall until December 30th for some extra Christmas money too. I love hanging out with Lisa there and with my security guys!

Thanksgiving was amazing this year. For the first time I cooked the complete meal . I can’t even count how many people were there…. Lesseeee… Me, Chris, his Mom & Dad, my Mom, his niece, his daughter, his brother and his girlfriend, his other brother, wife and two children, and his sister, husband and new baby. The rest of his brothers and sisters live in other states, so they couldn’t make it (he has 8 brothers and sisters total). After his family took off (around 3:30pm, we did Thanksgiving at 1pm), Chris and I took my Mom, Carrissa, and his niece Christy to my family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Boy was that interesting. Our families are such a contrast. His is lower middle class and humble and none of them drink or curse. Mine is rich, snotty, prideful, and too busy drinking to censor their dirty mouths, even on Thanksgiving. It’s strange though how they all get along though. My family has met Chris many times, but never his daughter or niece. So it was an interesting and long day for us all.

I can’t believe how fast Christmas seems to be coming. I have a short list of people to buy for. Or I think it’s short: my Mom, Chris, Chris’ parents, Christy, Carrissa, Madison, Ryan, Jenn, Savannah, Sam & Matt, and Lisa. Everyone else I just usually meet for a party. I don’t know what to get for people this year. Except Christy who told me she’d like a flat iron and some clip in maroon colored hair extensions. Everyone else I have no idea. I hope something comes to me soon because I do not want to be a last minute shopper. If there’s anything I’ve learned from working in retail it’s that shopping at the last minute is a huge pain in the ass and not worth it at all.

I hope everyone else is enjoying life and finding success like I am! I have overcome so many obstacles in the last few years and I never gave up! I know there are so many of you having trouble finding a good job and I wish you nothing but the best in your search. Just don’t give up and apply for jobs even if you aren’t technically qualified for them. My cousin did that and got an amazing job because he impressed the manager on his interview!

For my online friends: My privacy settings are jacked through the roof on Facebook due to scary people, so if you can’t find me on there please email me or send me a message on MySpace and I’ll add you.

Until next time, I wish all my friends the best! To those of you I may not have talked to in awhile, call or email, I miss you!
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