Gained from KAG523 and adapted by rirenec;
Feel free to: comment on this post (AND if you would like some questions), I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
My Questions
1. Do you prefer the smell of: fresh coffee, lilies, baking bread or cinnamon?
I love the smell of baking bread, I used to work in a bakery so baked goods = heaven
2. You are standing before a mirror and you can only list GOOD things about yourself, what are they?
Ok I will start with I am fat, but I am Hour glass and I love that, If a guy were looking at me, his eyes are most likely to be directed to my chest and that alone is awesome. I like my nose (even if it has been described as a "Piggy nose" and I adore my eyes because they are the same as my mum, and I miss my mum like crazy. Most of all I love my lips they are full and plump and I am not buying into the plumping lipstick, cause it most likely does not work anyhow!
3. Brown sauce or red?
Depends actually brown sauce with cold cuts in sandwiches, red sauce for EVERYTHING else
4. Favourite nursery rhyme.
For vocal warm up I usually use "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
5. Your best day ever?
I did label meeting Jamie Bamber as my best day ever, and it certainly gave me the giddy googles! So that will stat as BEST DAY EVER !!!!!!
6. Something you have wished for that has come true?
When I was in high school I wished for a group of friends where I would fit in. Yeah I have that, where my randomness is celebrated and adored.
7. Where other in the world would you live, if you could have a second home? (i.e. live where you live now, then somewhere else for some of the year?)
Actually me and my boy have been discussing for the past 3 years moving from London, England which is a lovely town on many levels but, I need a different place in a way. So where are we looking at? CANADA John wants to move to Vancouver, I prefer the idea of East Coast so I want to go to Toronto. So CANADA half the year and half the year in the UK maybe?