It's like the alcohol making my head spin...

Dec 29, 2008 13:55

This holiday has definitely been interesting.


Tomorrow's my best friend's birthday.  I'm stoked.  This girl is probably my favorite person in the world, so I'm super happy that she's turning 21!  It's most definitely going to be a never ending adventure with us.

We were talking the other day about our weddings and who would be in it.  I think I have a pretty good idea of how it's gonna go, 'cause I think I already got my friends that are gonna last a lifetime.

Maid of Honor:  Frances Rubio
Camille Arce
Arlene Farol
Annette Farol

Yah, sounds good.  Hopefully I can get Mike, Joshua, and Stevie in it somehow.  Convince the future Mr. Angelica Farol to let my boys be part of it.  HAHA.

Too much thought went into this, considering that I'm Angelica, party of one.  lol.

Alright, I'm still kinda tired, but listening to The Cab usually makes me want to write blogs.  I'm gonna go knock out before the San Antonio party tonight.  Yah bay-beh.
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