To whom it may

Feb 01, 2011 13:49

Location :Yerevan, ARMENIAApplication Deadline :02-Feb-11Additional CategoryDemocratic GovernanceType of Contract :SSAPost Level :International ConsultantLanguages Required :
English  Duration of Initial Contract :220 working days within 15 February 2011-15 February 2012Expected Duration of Assignment :15 February 2011 - 15 February 2012 with possible extension
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The EU Advisory Group (EUAG) supports the Government of Armenia in its reform agenda as further detailed in the EU/Armenia Action Plan in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The overall objective of the project is to support the Republic of Armenia (RA) in the implementation of Armenia's reform agenda and relevant international commitments assumed by Armenia including through the implementation of the ENP Action Plan (ENPAP). In this context policy/reform advice is understood as raising awareness of the policy implications of reforms (notably of the AA, the ENP- AP and the CIB), detailing for national authorities different policy/reform options, acquainting the beneficiaries with EU best practice, assisting in the identification of policy/reform priorities, supporting the national authorities in drafting policy papers, and in conducting policy/reform consultation processes.

Once the national authorities have formally adopted a policy or a reform, the EUAG will continue guiding them through the initial steps towards implementation. In this context and where necessary, the EUAG will help the national authorities to prepare the formal applications/fiches/Terms of Reference for implementation support from the appropriate EU instrument, programme (Framework Contract, SIGMA, TWINNING, TAIEX, CIB) or an ongoing/planned TA project. The EUAG does not engage in direct policy/reform implementation, but supports monitoring of implementation including ensuring that adequate feedback from implementation is duly taken into consideration during the design phases of future policies/reforms.

The EUAG is a flexible tool, designed to provide an immediate response to requests for support from the national authorities in the Republic of Armenia that are consistent with the project objectives above and the specific activities described below.

As a priority, the EUAG will provide policy advice with respect to the following core pillars of the ENP-AP:
  • Strengthen respect for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Democratic Structures of the Republic of Armenia
  • Support reforms in the field of Justice, Liberty and Home Affairs (JLS)
  • Enhance Economic Integration of Armenia into the EU internal market, notably through supporting preparations for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA)

The specific nature of the advice to be provided under each of these pillars will be defined by the beneficiaries and the EUAG in particular during the Inception Phase. In addition, the EUAG will provide horizontal and cross-cutting policy advice with respect to:
  • Monitoring Implementation of the ENP AP
  • Negotiating the Association Agreement
  • Optimal usage of EU assistance mechanisms, including the Comprehensive Institution Building (CIB)
  • Defining and introducing good practice with respect to the policy-making process across all policy-making bodies

The specific activities of the EUAG will be reviewed each year on the basis of the Annual Report on progress towards the implementation of the ENP-AP or comparable reports (e.g., on progress towards the conclusion of the Association Agreement). Potential adjustments to the priorities and activities to be pursued by the EUAG will be discussed between representatives of the Institutions of the Republic of Armenia and the European Union and the specific activities may be adjusted by decision of the Advisory Board reflecting the conclusions of those discussions.

Duties and Responsibilities

Overall Responsibilities:

The EUAG comprises three pillars, under the overall leadership of the EUAG Team Leader (TL): Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area DCFTA); Justice Liberty and Security (JLS); and Democracy and Human Rights (DHR). Each of the three pillars will be led by a Pillar Team Leader.

The Pillar Team Leader in the field of Justice, Liberty and Home Affairs (JLS) will be based in the Office of his principal counterpart (Ministry of Justice) and will report to the TL. The Pillar Team Leader has overall responsibility for the proper execution of all activities linked the day-to-day operations of his respective pillar.

Advisory Responsibilities:
  • Provide generic policy advice to the principal beneficiaries under their respective pillars
  • Assist in the formulation of Green and White Papers
  • Assist, and when requested, facilitate the consultative process between Government and civil society, professional associations etc.
  • Assist in the elaboration of Action Plans for the implementation of policy
  • Assist the beneficiaries to identify and define short-term/medium-term focused policy advice needs, and together with the beneficiary and the TL formulate Terms of Reference, inputs and results schedules for the short-term/medium term advisors
  • Assist the beneficiaries to identify and access the appropriate EU financing mechanism to support the implementation of the policies (e.g. Twinning, TAIEX, BSP, CIB, Framework Contract, classical TA)
  • Assist the beneficiaries to introduce good practice with respect to the policy-making process
  • Assist the beneficiaries to define and install policy-monitoring systems and processes

The Pillar Team Leader will adhere at all times to the provisions of the Code of Conduct. The performance of the Pillar Team Leader will be reviewed every six months against the above provisions by the TL.

Management Responsibilities:
  • Ensure effective supervision and co-ordination of the work of all international and national experts under the pillar
  • Develop and maintain good working relationships with all stakeholders, related projects and the donor community under their pillar
  • Support the EUAG project team to manage the process of identifying, prioritising and selecting advisory needs and the subsequent recruitment of advisors
  • Co-ordinate and plan all activities under their pillar, including ensuring that the management reporting timelines defined in the Work Plan are adhered to and that outputs/results are delivered on time
  • Provide inputs to the monthly, inception, interim and final reports
  • Transfer skills and experience to national experts and trainees
  • Undertake such other tasks as may be requested by the TL to ensure the timely and efficient implementation of the activities

  • Possess a solid knowledge and clear understanding of the EU policies including ENP or EU accession policy and Community assistance programmes;
  • Demonstrate strong and successful experience in team building and leading, management, organizational relationship, staff motivation and communication;
  • Demonstrate a proficient command of English. Knowledge of other EU community languages and some knowledge of Armenian or Russian would be an asset;
  • Possess excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills;
  • A good knowledge of the EU-Armenia relations, of the ENP framework and of the structures of the Armenian administration would be considered as an advantage

Required Skills and Experience
  • Possess Master’s degree in law, international relations or public administration;
  • A minimum of 15 years of relevant working experience;
  • A minimum of 10 years experience in conducting reforms (legal, economic, public administration), in providing advice to policy makers on reforms issues, or in capacity building in EU or ENP and candidate countries;
  •  A minimum of 8 years experience in managing advisory projects/missions;

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